Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Arnold’s Touchstone Method Essay
Arnold’s touchstone method is a comparative method of criticism. According to this method, in order to judge a poet’s work properly, a critic should compare it to passages taken from works of great masters of poetry, and that these passages should be applied as touchstones to other poetry. Even a single line or selected quotation will serve the purpose. If the other work moves us in the same way as these lines and expressions do, then it is really a great work, otherwise not. This method was recommended by Arnold to overcome the shortcomings of the personal and historical estimates of a poem. Both historical and personal estimate goes in vain. In personal estimate, we cannot wholly leave out the personal and subjective factors. In historical estimate, historical importance often makes us rate a work as higher than it really deserves. In order to form a real estimate, one should have the ability to distinguish a real classic. At this point, Arnold offers his theory of Touchstone Method. A real classic, says Arnold, is a work, which belongs to the class of the very best. It can be recognized by placing it beside the known classics of the world. Those known classics can serve as the touchstone by which the merit of contemporary poetic work can be tested. This is the central idea of Arnold’s Touchstone Method. Matthew Arnold’s Touchstone Method of Criticism was really a comparative system of criticism. Arnold was basically a classicist. He admired the ancient Greek, Roman and French authors as the models to be followed by the modern English authors. The old English like Shakespeare, Spenser or Milton were also to be taken as models. Arnold took selected passages from the modern authors and compared them with selected passages from the ancient authors and thus decided their merits. This method was called Arnold’s Touchstone Method. However, this system of judgement has its own limitations. The method of comparing passage with a passage is not a sufficient test for determining the value of a work as a whole. Arnold himself insisted that we must judge a poem by the ‘total impression’ and not by its fragments. But we can further extend this method of comparison from passages to the poems as whole units. The comparative method is an invaluable aid to appreciation of any kind of art. It is helpful not merely thus to compare the masterpiece and the lesser work, but the good with the not so good, the sincere with the not quite sincere, and so on. Those who do not agree with this theory of comparative criticism say that Arnold is too austere, too exacting in comparing a simple modern poet with the ancient master poet. It is not fair to expect that all hills may be Alps. The mass of current literature is much better disregarded. By this method we can set apart the alive, the vital, the sincere from the shoddy, the showy and the insincere.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Performance Management Plan Essay
Compensation and benefits concerns are very important to employees and employers. A lot of the top performing employees are drawn by successful organizations, as well as the organization providing a detail compensation and benefit plan. Now it is time to focus on the performance management structure that will help you succeed in your business. In this document I will focus on different aspects that will help you launch a well-done performance plan. This plan will also help you increase the performance of your associates and prevent a high turn over. Performance management is part o Lean Manufacturing, and even though your company does not belong to manufacturing, we can implement it and get good results. Performance Management is about letting you employees know the health of the company and taking the appropriate actions to prevent a decrease in performance, efficiency, high costs, etc. The first objective in implementing Performance Management is that there must be a commitment between the associates and the organization to improve the performance. Communication plays an important role here, the objectives must be clear in order to have a good communication between departments and this will arises alignment. As part of having a good communication, employees must have clear their responsibilities, goals ad how they are performing. You must also be prepared to correspond to the good performance of your associates; you must also create a plan for professional growth for them. Associates tend to be motivated and work as a team in continuous improvement projects and finding ways to improve the quality of the organization. The second objective would be setting up system a method to measure the performance of your employees. We already talked about how to measure the health of your company and we talked about Key Performance Indicators as a method to measure the objectives of your different departments. Now it is time to go a little bit deep and set up a method for measuring the performance of your employees. During a performance appraisal you must abroad skills, ethics, how he/she is performing according to the tasks that are cited in the job description. There is not a specific method for measuring the skills of an associate, what is really important is to monitor your employees on a consistent basis. An employee appreciates to know where he/she stands and know what he is doing right or the things that need to be improved. 360-degree feedback is a method that I would like to recommend. The reason is that in this method the employee not only receives feedback from the supervisor; peers, subordinates or even customers if applicable provide feedback. Obviously this method involves more and provides a better picture. I can provide more specific information or if you want to use the traditional way is correct. Third, so far we have covered the base. Now it would be time to execute what has been planned. In this step I would like to cover how to convince your people that Performance Management is important. Your supervisors must understand that if something is not measured it cannot be improved, and that associates are important for the success of the company. Performance Management is a cycle where data is collected, analyzed, it is seen if there is room for improvement and then action is taken to make the corrections needed. I recommend the usage of board to communicate the performance of your employees and at some point build an internal competition in order to reach better results. These board also helpful for monitoring and you can even add a log of corrective actions with responsible and due dates. Here is an example of the information that I used to post in another company. Every operator used to receive weekly feed back about their performance and at the end of the month the results were posted and they knew the bonus percent they has earned. As far as daily information transmitted to the associates, s software was bought and we configured every machine with the appropriate standards and the associates were able to see the weekly schedule, plan fulfillment, performance, waste, etc. This company in specific belongs to another industry but the purpose is the same. Also, keep in mind that at the end customer satisfaction is almost the most important thing. Finally, I would like to make some comments regarding how to provide feedback to the employees, As mentioned before, feedback is important to help employees perform at their best. You will notice that Performance management is being effective when they ask how they can improve and what are the things that are doing right. This practice will lead you to create a training plan or training matrix. The information provided must be specific and if possible with examples. Also, let them speak and listen to what they tell. Keep in mind that at the end, they are the one that are in contact with the process. In conclusion, motivation is very essential for every person in your business and every body must keep in mind that what they do is important for your clients. Performance Management is about measuring and knows what to do with the collected data. With this information you will be able to provide feedback and achieve goals. References Lean Six Sigma Resources. Retrieved January 29,2015 From
Othello Plot Analysis
Bynum ENG 201-02 22 April 2013 The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice: Plot Analysis Title: The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice Type:Play/Tragedy Author:William Shakespeare Theme:Jealousy is the theme. From the beginning to the very end of this play, every major conflict was caused because of jealousy. If it was not for the envy of one’s job, wife or money, many deaths could have been averted. Exposition:In this play, the author must identify the relationships and previous conflicts between the characters, and background on each major character.In The Tragedy of Othello the Moor of Venice, Shakespeare identifies the relationship between the characters in the beginning of the play with a character list which included the character’s name, title and relationship to whomever. The conflicts between characters where emphasized in the characters words to one another or in the character’s aside. Protagonist:Othello, The Moor of Venice, is the Protagonist. Besid e the obvious, Othello is the main character in this play because all conflict surrounds him.Being the odd one out by being of skin color, having such a high social class standing, and being one of the best warriors all around causes him to be the center of attention. Antagonist:Iago, the Moor’s ensign, is the Antagonist. In everything Iago did, he was conniving and manipulative. He stepped on any and every one to make his underlying plan work. Every move he made was for his own gratification. He was sincere to none, not even his own wife. Major Conflict:Othello and Desdemona marry against many people’s wishes and it angers quite a few people.As Iago is manipulating Othello into believing that his wife Desdemona has been betraying him in his bed, Granziano and Lodovico (kinsman of Brabanzio, Desdemona’s Father and Senator of Venice) come to bare news of the Duke of Venice. The news stated for Othello to return home and his lieutenant, Michael Cassio, to take his place in power. Misconception causes Othello to strike Desdemona and in a turn of events, leads to the slaughter of Desdemona, Cassio, Roderigo and many more. Conflicts:(1) Man vs. Man: In Act 4 takes place a sword fight between Roderigo and Cassio.Bother were tricked by Iago to fight one another in the dark. Resulting in Roderigo’s death. (2) Man vs. Nature: In Act 3, Iago planned to have Othello listen in on a conversation between himself and Cassio. Iago led Othello to believe the conversation between Cassio and him was about Desdemona, although it was really about Bianca. It just so happened that Bianca barged into the scene with the handkerchief Othello gave to Desdemona. Iago had no idea, it would play out to his advantage but it just so happened it did. (3) Man vs.Self: After Othello kills Desdemona, it is discovered that Desdemona was in fact faithful to him and never lied. He then cries and explains his sorrow. Inciting Incident:Iago was passed by for the position o f Lieutenant by, his good comrade, Othello and it was given to Cassio. Also hearing that Othello took his wife to bed, Iago develops a grudge against him. Iago conceives a plan involving a sting of lies and misconception in a pursuit to take down Othello and Cassio. Major Dramatic Question:Will Iago’s true intentions ever be discovered?Crisis:Once again, by Iago’s lies, Roderigo and Cassio were tricked into fighting each other in the dark. Neither one knowing whom they were fighting. Riderigo was murdered and this led to the imprisonment of Bianca, Cassio’s mistress. Climax: Othello, still under misconception that Desdemona is unfaithful, kills her. Emilia, Iago’s wife, enters and call for help. In attempt to find the truth or the reason behind this killing, Iago starts to be revealed. Othello comes to the realization that he has been misled and weeps for his dead wife.A commotion breaks out and Iago kills his wife Emilia. Resolution:After Iago is discove red of his devious ways, Lodovico orders Othello back to Venice, places Granziano as his heir and puts Montano in charge of Iagos execution. In the end, Othello kills himself. Emotional Satisfaction: Othello was a very interesting play. The fact that it was a tragic love story caught my attention the most. Although written so many years ago, the story line can very much relate to situations in today’s relationships.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Examsmanship and liberal arts, a study in educational epistemology Essay
Examsmanship and liberal arts, a study in educational epistemology - Essay Example 1. ‘After a long evening of reading blue books full of cow, the sudden meeting with a student who at least understands the problems of ones field provides a lift like a drought of refreshing wine, and a strong disposition toward trust.’ (548) The article is hugely pertinent to the acquisition of knowledge by the students and the way it is applied in one’s life. The author argues that knowledge or education must be able to empower students to make rational decisions based on informed choices as result of accrued knowledge over the period. The facts and information are critical elements of understanding the wider ramification of the same. Hence, their application must demonstrate that understanding and interpret its influence or impact to explain new ideas or existing paradigms. Perry, William C., Jr. ‘Examsmanship and the Liberal Arts: A Study in Educational Epistemology.’ The Norton Reader. Ed. Peterson, Linda, Brereton, John, and Hartman, Joan. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Leonardo da Vincis Work Mona Lisa Personal Statement
Leonardo da Vincis Work Mona Lisa - Personal Statement Example To a large degree, the formal analysis revealed these characteristics of the work to me for the first time. Now upon examining reproductions, I recognize that in large part there is a distinction between the linearity in the woman’s hands, as well as in bodily elements. I also recognize the painterly elements in terms of the sfumato effect, specifically in an articulation of the woman’s mouth. One element I disagree with is the mystery surrounding the woman’s expression. While I recognize art critics popularly argued this feature of the painting, I believe that to a degree such perspectives are overblown and the work can be appreciated simply for its power and depth of creation. Now upon examining reproductions, I recognize that in large part there is a distinction between the linearity in the woman’s hands, as well as in bodily elements. I also recognize the painterly elements in terms of the sfumato effect, specifically in the articulation of the woma n’s mouth. One element I disagree with is the mystery surrounding the woman’s expression. While I recognize art critics popularly argued this feature of the painting, I believe that to a degree such perspectives are overblown and the work can be appreciated simply for its power and depth of creation.    Â
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Analysis - Assignment Example Indeed, he claims that bureaucracy is the most rational and efficient form of organization established by man.2 Most assuredly, Weber establishes the merits and demerits of bureaucracy. Notably, Weber conceived sociology as a science with a view of interpreting and understanding social conduct.3 In addressing the substance of sociology, he focused on rationalization as the most general element in the philosophy of history and the constitutive element of modern western society.4 He contends that strict systematic forms of thoughts, which characterize law, are fundamental to rational jurisprudence. Notably, Weber measured rationalization by assessing the extent at which ideas gain in systematic coherence and consistency as well as by assessing the displacement of magical elements of thoughts.5 Moreover, he classifies rationalization into value rationality and purpose rationality. While value rationality focuses on intrinsic value only, purpose rationality focuses on consequences of an action.6 Furthermore, Weber analyzed the concept of domination and established that the emergence of rational societies is critically dependent on the exercise of domination.7 The Weber’s central theme of rationalization process moves from magicians to priests who seek to protect their positions using systematic religious beliefs.8 He also believed that capitalism is the highest level of rationality in economic behavior and established that the concepts of economic ratio nality are in conflict.9 Ultimately, he asserts that the religious roots of modern capitalism led to utilitarianism, which further led to materialism.10 This chapter reckons that there has been immense growth in public administration where the emergence of a wide range of generic and specialized journals, the increasing number of public administration programs, and the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Theories of Motivation in Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Theories of Motivation in Organisations - Essay Example Michael J. Julius refers to the idea of motivation as, â€Å"The act of stimulating someone or oneself to get the desired course of action†(cited in Bagad, 2009, pp.2-39). Besides this general definition, the idea becomes more specific within an organization and referred to be an internal force that directs the behaviors towards achieving organizational goals. It deals with human motive force and desire of competence is considered to be the strongest source of motivation for human action (Bagad, 2009, pp.2-39). Raju and Parthasarathy (2009) support Badad and explain that motivation is considered to be the drive to satisfy a want or goal, and satisfaction is experienced in case of achievement. A person who has low level of motivation for a certain job might be high at satisfaction level, or the reverse (p.153). According to Moorhead and Griffin, performance at job depends on three factors: motivation, environment and ability. In order to achieve highest level of performance, employee must ‘have an urge to do the job’ (motivation), ability and material resources (environment).Deficiency of even one factor can result in low level of performance and consequently, productivity (cited in Bee, 2009). Motivation in an organization also secures voluntary cooperation from workers. It creates will to work and build confidence among both employees and employers. Understanding motivation has never been simple as it involves complex human emotions and behaviors. There are different human motivation theories and also their various classifications which developed from early approaches and ideas of motivation. According to Bee (2009), early views about motivation came from the concept of hedonism. Hedonism refers to the idea that people avoid pain and look for comfort and satisfaction. Despite explaining contemporary human ideology, this theory is unable to explain most of human behavior. For
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Company Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Company Analysis - Essay Example Weaknesses need to be overcome as they have the potential for being a major reason in the failure of the business (Hauser, 2012). When evaluated by my group members, it was found that my contribution, attendance at meetings, and leadership were the major drawbacks. This was perhaps because of an inappropriate leadership style or not being much competitive and strong leader in directing the way. I should rather be more vigilant, risk taking, and influential as the production head. Too much relaxed attitude with utmost responsibility given to the subordinates may increase their motivation and productivity since they would feel no â€Å"pressure from the top†, but a little control from the leader is needed. Workers needed to be guided, always been given directions, and should be lead from the front by the leader. I lacked in this area, but certainly overcoming the loops is the best solution ever. I will tend to become more competitive, leading the team, always engaging in all kin ds of meetings, giving clear directions to all, showing my leadership skills. Training and adopting an enthusiastic strategy would help. 3. Discuss your role on the team. I was in charge of the production department. My role was to engage in careful planning and analysis or evaluation of different strategies and product decisions of different products with the team. As the production in charge, I experimented with different strategies and production decisions and looked for their impact on the business in the long-run.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Operative mechanics of Juveniles Courts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Operative mechanics of Juveniles Courts - Essay Example Juvenile courts developed out of the need to reduce recidivism rates among child offenders. In effect, it was a kind of diversion mechanism meant to steer youth offenders away from criminality towards good citizenry devoid of criminal intents (Fox, 1970). Prior to their creation, children and adults alike were subjected to the same kind of court procedures. As such, the guilty were liable for capital punishment or life incarceration irrespective of age brackets. Notably, punishment delivered was the same both for adults and children. But, child-offender processes fell short of protective elements such the right to bail, which were only granted to adults (Conward, 1998). Thus, the process that institutionalized juvenile justice structures were mainly geared towards harmonizing justice with full recognition that children bear lesser moral as well as cognitive capacities for offenses they commit. The current Juvenile court structures are mainly rehabilitative rather punitive towards its client offenders-the children.They are specially designed with clear, basic demarcations falling under criminality, parental neglect or being out of parental control. Contrary to the hearsay admissible in adult cases, juvenile court structures have no such restrictions. Their hearings have mostly closed a door and informal. Parents and officers dealing directly with child welfare, such as probation officers, have access to the court process to ensure fair and favorable results and to guard against future recidivism.
Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy - Assignment Example This is essential not only to be fair to the student but also get an accurate representative of the class as a whole. In addition, writing such an assessment upfront will alleviate the potential for problems down the road. Students may, for example, become frustrated if an exam is perceived to be unfair. Much time may be spent after the exam with students questioning the very integrity of the assessment itself. In addition, if an exam does not properly test student comprehension about the given material, the teacher may reach a false assumption about the performance of the class, and thus their own teaching as well. With these aims in mind, the intent of this paper is to examine the validity and reliability of the hypothetical business management exam given in the preceding two pages. Validity When considering whether or not a teacher should be concerned over the poor performance shown by their students on a particular exam, one should first look at the assessment itself (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2013, p. 326). Exams need to be valid before their results can really be accepted. Simply because the class, on average, received a failing grade on an exam does not, in itself, indicate that they did not comprehend the material. Upon analyzing the exam, the teacher may discover certain problems with the test that make it invalid in the first place. It could well happen that the teacher re-writes a valid exam, gives it to the same set of students, and they all perform marvelously. For this reason, and others, the validity of any given assessment must be judged before any results on the part of the students are considered and recorded. One way to begin testing the validity of an exam is to consider the grade level of the material. If the exam is given to third... Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy When considering whether or not a teacher should be concerned over the poor performance shown by their students on a particular exam, one should first look at the assessment itself (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2013, p. 326). Exams need to be valid before their results can really be accepted. Simply because the class, on average, received a failing grade on an exam does not, in itself, indicate that they did not comprehend the material. According to Kubiszyn and Borich (2013), â€Å"The reliability of a test refers to the consistency with which it yields the same rank for individuals who take the test more than once†(p. 338). The indication here is that a student within a given class should rank in nearly the same place every time if the same exam is given to the same class. According to Kubiszyn and Borich (2013), â€Å"No test measures perfectly, and many tests fail to measure as well as we would like them to†(p. 348). The key is to realize that there will almost be some level of error in an exam, but the teacher must work hard to minimize that error to the greatest degree possible. Finally, there could be an error in scoring. This is particularly important to monitor if a human scores the exam. For this exam, the teacher can eliminate this error, to a great extent, by not scoring the exam when they are tired or in a rush. It is advisable to score an exam in batches, rather than all at once, to ensure that fatigue does no impact the marking of each response.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Anheuser Busch SWOT Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Anheuser Busch SWOT Analysis - Essay Example The company was a pioneer in introducing pasteurization to keep the beer fresh and also was the first to use refrigerated cars for transport of beer. The company's early innovations also included a network of railside ice houses to preserve the beer. It was in 1981, that this small firm became Anheuser-Busch International and currently owns 12 breweries in the US and 20 breweries outside the US. The flagship brand of the company is Budweiser which is brewed in 10 countries and has a global market. Other brands include Bud Light, Michelob Honey Lager, Michelob, Busch, Busch Ice and Bare Knuckle Stout. The presence and the strength of the company as continued to grow and it was the largest brewer in the United States in the year 2007. (Leone, 1995) The company's goals are to extend its position as the leading brewer internationally. This is perceived would be achieved by increasing its share in the domestic beer market and also extends its presence internationally. It is tapping thirst y markets internationally by using two pronged strategies for growth. These two pronged strategies include expanding the Budweiser brand globally and simultaneously strengthening equity partnerships with other large brewers around the globe. Since the company produced two thirds of all beer in the US, it could easily be assumed that the local market was saturated with Anheuser-Busch products. It was evident that the linear growth model that the company has been following for the last so many years will have to be stretched beyond the boundaries of the United States if the company has to make its presence felt. Section II- Strengths and Weaknesses Strength no 1: Cost effectiveness The company has adopted its strategies to revolve around its key strengths and opportunities. Its biggest strength lies in its ability to produce cost effective products by capitalizing on product development expertise within the company. It also used its substantial capital for equity investments and acqui sitions. The tax laws and regulations caused it to change its prices to adjust for tax changes. The company is also not new to low cost packaging and production for new markets. It has a cost strategy for the economic segment and is an expert at using the value chain to assess the supply side of its production. Thus its two pronged or rather multiple pronged strategies were based on its core competencies. Equity investments include a $105 million investment to own 10% of Antarctica and to control 70% of Antarctica’s operations. It again involves the exchange of representatives on both the company's boards. This deal helps Anheuser-Busch garner a share from the huge Brazilian beer market which is growing at a rate of 15% annually. Besides the coalition and partnership, another move by Anheuser-Busch includes a licensing agreement for a new company. This will be a joint venture where Antarctica will brew Budweiser in Brazil. This joint venture is an example of production in the host country and will be 51% owned by Anheuser-Busch and 49% by Antarctica. This local production will maintain Budweiser quality standards and allow for more competitive pricing as importing costs and taxes will be eliminated. (Nelson, 2005) Here again, like in all global markets Anheuser-Busch capitalizes on its beer making excellence and combines it with the expertise and the reach of market leaders in the host countries. Normally a coalition results in the increased sales of products of both companies and a more competitive beer market which results in benefits for both suppliers and consumers. Strength no 2: Leading market Position Anheur Buscher also enjoys the leading market position in the industry. It kept its
Monday, July 22, 2019
Walden by Henry David Thoreau Essay Example for Free
Walden by Henry David Thoreau Essay No doubt, the great Henry David Thoreau was born in Concord, Massachusetts on July 12, 1817 and died there calmly on May 6, 1862. He was explained by Hawthorne as ugly as sin. He appreciated nature, and his steady worry was exploring the woods and ponds making full observations of plants and creatures. Henry led a remarkable life, never marrying, and marching to his own drummer, as he put it. From 1845 to 1847, he lived unaccompanied in a little cabin he built by Walden Pond near Concord. He explain this sole trial in natural living in Walden criticizing those who lead lives of quiet desperation by all the trappings of usual society. His personal self-government and simple manner was harsh to a number of people, and he gained very little credit throughout his lifetime. Henry David Thoreau was jailed for refusing to pay his poll-tax because he did not believe he should be part of a government which allowed the holding of slaves and invaded other countries (Mexico) with a standing army. An unknown person paid his poll-tax and he was released from jail. Thoreau would have preferred to remain jailed and had others join him in his refusal. If others had joined him, based on their consciences he believes this could have caused the minority to force the majority to do the right thing. I know this well, that if one thousand, if one hundred, if ten men whom I could name if ten honest men only yes, if one HONEST man ceasing to hold slaves withdrew from the copartner-ship, and be locked up in the county jail therefore, it would be the abolition of slavery in America (Thoreau, Disobedience 317). Summary of His Book Today a majority of high school students do not read books because it is considered boring, and with todays technology, you dont have to read, something else will do it for you. People who dont read often judge a book by its cover. It is not all books that are as dull as their readers. Thoreau said this quote because people often judge books without knowing about the book, in this case, the book would not be dull but the person saying it is will be. In the chapter Reading, Thoreau said, To read well, that is, to read true books in a true spirit, is a noble exercise, and one that will task the reader more than any exercise which the customs of the day esteem. It requires training such as the athletes underwent the steady intention almost of the whole life to this object. This quote is very important because Thoreau is saying that reading is not an easy task, but it also requires lots of practice and training just as athletes undergo. Throughout the chapter of Reading, Thoreau states how everyone should read books, and if we dont, we could end up being like pygmies and manikins. No wonder that Alexander carried the Iliad with him on his expeditions in a precious casket. (Thoreau, Walden) In the chapter Solitude, Thoreau explains how being by yourself is not at all a bad thing. But for the most part it is as solitary where I live as on the prairies. It is as much Asia or Africa as New England, I have, as it were, my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself. Thoreau didnt look at solitude as being something bad or a punishment, he looked at it as if it were a gift. When he said that he had his own little world all to himself, it made me think different about whenever I am alone. I used to think of solitude as something that was bad, but the way that Thoreau put it, I now felt better about being all by me. In the chapter Visitors, Thoreau talks about how having people around are just as good as being in solitude. I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society. When visitors came in larger and unexpected numbers there was but the third chair for them all, but they generally economized the room by standing up. I think that when Thoreau said that he wanted to keep things as simple as possible, he meant it. For example, he only had 3 chairs in his house, and to most people that would be crazy, but when you think about it, how many chairs do you actually need? Or how many rooms do you need? Thoreau also said that it was amazing how he could fit 25-30 people in his tiny house, and how that brought him and all of his visitors closer together. I could not but notice some of the peculiarities of my visitors. Girls and boys and young women generally seemed glad to be in the woods. They looked in the pond and at the flowers, and improved their time. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge) Walden by Henry David Thoreau is an important book for a high school student to read because it has important factors of life that may be needed now, or in you future. In this book, Thoreau explained many things, but I think the most important thing he explained were his chapters on Reading, Solitude, and Visitors. He explained the importance and necessity of reading, he showed how being alone is usually a good thing, and he also showed how great visitors can be. These are all reasons why I think high school students should read Walden. Conclusion Thoreau wrote a lot of stories, one counting Walden. This story clearly portrayed Thoreaus love for nature and life. Thoreau, in the primary part, defines what he sees as the main difficulty of his time. In the second part, Thoreau describes his own trial in living an easy life. Part three focuses on what is significant to him. In this case, Nature is most significant to him, believing nature of learn as a spiritual pursuit. The entire story of Walden is just a trial of a man in living well. Henry D. Thoreau also wrote Resistance which was about him refusing to pay a poll tax. He was in prison and imprisoned in agreement for one night in 1846 for default of his poll tax. This act of disobedience was a complaint against slavery and alongside the Mexican War, which Thoreau and other abolitionists regard as a means to get bigger the slave territory. Self-reliance and personal independence are hallmarks which are predominant in Walden. Thoreau went to the woods to get to the most basic facts of life and to appreciate and enjoy everything about these most basic facts. Thoreau viewed the woods in particular, and nature in general, as a teacher of life and living. Thoreau believed that the simpler his life became the greater his opportunity to appreciate life. Thoreau did not want to allow society to determine that which he knew as life. To live an existence based on the common experience of others would be as to neglect ones own experience. Individualism and an appreciation for nature and solitude do not necessarily mean living as a hermit. Thoreau believed that in order to truly appreciate life, to understand and experience life as ones own life, it is necessary to quiet the mind of all the surrounding trappings of society. Individualism, the importance of the individual, self-reliance, and personal independence is one of the leading characteristics of the era of Romanticism. Henry David Thoreau wrote about individualism and demonstrated his belief by the way he lived. Living at Walden Pond, standing up to his government, refusing to pay a poll-tax to a government with which he viewed as corrupt are examples of his fierce independence and individuality. Thoreau is a stellar example of what individuality can produce. A worthy goal is to make the effort to devote oneself to thought and work, to in fact nurture ones own individuality, rather than becoming lost in the mainstream of life. This will allow greater individuality and diversity to complement our current day society. References Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, gen. ed. Kathleen Coburn, 14 vols. to date (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1969) 6: 30. Thoreau, Walden, the Writings of Henry David Thoreau 199. All additional citations from Walden will come from this edition and be designated by a page number in parentheses.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Disney And The French Media Essay
Disney And The French Media Essay Disneys first theme park, called Disneyland, is located in Anaheim, California and opened in 1955. Its Floridian counterpart DisneyWorld, located in Orlando, opened in 1971. The success of these parks and the success of Tokyo Disneyland which opened in 1983 motivated the company to expand further in order to achieve optimal market domination. The fourth theme park was to be built in Europe. Spain was long in the running as future site, but eventually France was chosen in 1987. The theme park was to be built in the French town Marne-La-Vallà ©e, a town located 32 kilometers outside of Paris. The centrality of this location was deemed perfect, and it was easily accessible by plane, train and car. In addition, the French government also facilitated the decision making process by guaranteeing financial incentives and by extending its transportation network to include the park. These promises perfectly compensated for the northern French climate that initially troubled the Disney planner s. After the official implementation of the partnership between Disney and the French government, the Disney theme park was built on 4,700 acres of farm land. Euro Disney, as it was called in 1992, was the biggest amusement park and resort in Europe upon completion. Nevertheless, its opening on April 12, 1992 was not as successful as its grand scale suggested it would be. The coming months further exemplified this as attendance levels, souvenir and food sales, as well as Disney hotels occupancy rates remained painfully low. Euro Disney was labeled by the entertainment industry as being an ideal case study on how not to open a theme park. Many French critics echoed this argument. Euro Disney was called a cultural Chernobyl, and seen as culturally insensitive to European guests. Overall, antagonism towards American popular culture was widespread among French intellectuals. They were supported by a prevalent nationalistic sentiment that promoted French culture in order to protect it from t he supposed global hegemony of American culture. This anti-American context was the main problem that troubled Disneys search for acceptance. The park went nearly bankrupt in 1994 which forced Disney to reevaluate its strategies to counter the French anti-American mindset. In other words, the company soon realized that it was too focused on American culture instead of European culture, thus the company started to make essential modifications to cater to the local European context. Adaptations based on cultural differences were made on services, attractions, products and practices which eventually reestablished the Disney formulas appeal. The analysis of these adaptations and the context of the problems that predated them is the framework of this paper. Findings based on this analysis support this papers thesis statement: cultural hybridization spelled the success of Disneyland Paris. The first part of the research question that is related to this statement is: to what extent did French and other European responses to the park affect Disneys strategies? These responses are put into context by addressing the acceptance of American popular culture abroad. American popular culture was not easily accepted in France due to a long history of Anti-Americanism and this severely affected Disneys chances of success. This notion provides the foundation for the second part of the research question, namely in how far is cultural resistance towards the Disney theme parks automatic?. The latter of this research question is researched briefly by comparing Disneyland Paris reception to the reception of the Disney theme parks in Asia. The reception of Tokyo Disneyland was overwhelmingly positive as mentioned earlier, mainly because the Japanese preferred an exact copy of the American model. The reception of Hong Kong Disneyland was also very positive, mostly because of the adaptati ons Disney made to local tastes and because of its extensive marketing campaigns . All in all, this comparison further proves that the cultural resistance towards the Disney theme parks depends on the larger cultural attitude towards American popular culture. Studies including Disneyland Paris are often connected to debates regarding global American influence. However, most of these debates focus solely on the economic aspect of the venture as is exemplified by the large number of economic journals that discuss Disneys global expansion. Those journals talk of profits and marketing schemes, but they often neglect to take into account a cultural approach. In recent years, scholars have started to do in-depth research on the role that Disney plays in the development of culture, thus putting economics on the sideline. The book The Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney and the American Way of Life by Steven Watts is one of the first books which gives a detailed account of the huge role the Disney company plays within American society. Watts discusses topics ranging from Disney and American values to Disney and American identity construction, ultimately drawing the conclusion that Disney is a major architect of modern American culture. This premise is fre quently used as a foundation for studies dealing with the European Disney park, because Disneys Americanness is seen by some scholars as an obstacle for its reception in Europe. Especially French scholars prefer this standpoint as most of them view Disneys expansion as merely being part of Americas cultural imperialism. This standpoint is taken into account in the current academic debate on the European park, but it plays a limited role in discussions. Recent publications on Disneyland Paris focus on the idea that the park has a high entertainment factor, thus it is not solely seen as an entity which spreads American culture or philosophy. Andrew Lainsburys Once Upon an American Dream: the Story of Euro Disneyland is an excellent example of a book that discusses Disneys professionalism in the entertainment industry rather than its possible ties to cultural imperialism. Other publications such as Kathy Merlock Jacksons Disneyland and Culture: Essays on the Parks and their Influence t ie in with Lainsburys thesis as they put emphasis on the fact that Walt Disney invented the American theme park, consequently uniting professional entertainment with culture. The two sides of this academic debate are combined in cultural studies that take into account Europeans ability to pick and choose from American culture. As a result, drawing the conclusion that Europeans do not passively absorb everything that American culture has to offer. This paper will follow this line of thought by including theories put forward by scholars Rob Kroes, Richard Kuisel, and Richard Pells, who all acknowledge Europeans skill to adapt American cultural products to fit into local contexts. To conclude, doing this kind of research on Disneyland Paris is relevant within the American Studies discipline as it provides an interpretation of an American company in multicultural Europe. Moreover, it also illustrates that there are constant tensions between local adaptation and global standardization. Disney and the French: a difficult relation Disneys model for theme parks might be new for the French, but they were already accustomed to theme parks in general. Seventy parks could be visited in France before the opening of Euro Disney. However, not all of them were making profit. Zygofolies Park near Nice had to close down and Mirapolis Park and Smurfs Park had to make huge budget reductions in order to stay afloat. The general idea was that the French were not that interested in theme parks or that the parks were not extraordinary enough to impress French guests. Nevertheless, Parc Asterix which opened in 1989 is still open today and it is considered to be the most successful competitor of the Disney park. Many ascribe the parks success to its detailed theming, exciting attractions and its link to French nationalism. Asterix and Obelix are after all French icons. Still, some scholars believe that the existence of Parc Asterix could not have prepared the French for the arrival of a European Disney park as Christian Renaut e xplains in his article Disneyland Paris: A Clash of Cultures He states that few French people had actually traveled to the American parks in California and Florida, hence the majority of French were uninformed about the Disney theme park formula. Disney spokesman Nicolas de Schonen elaborated on this in the Kansas City Star in 1991: misunderstandings have arisen with the union because people in Europe do not understand what an American-style resort is . Renaut certainly has a valid argument, however one should not forget Disneys marketing expertise. The two American parks had been marketed extensively in France with the help of Disney films, television shows and comics, whereby the comic series Le Journal Mickey played a crucial role. This successful comic series was established as early as 1934 and it portrays all the Disney characters from Mickey Mouse to Daisy Duck, yet it has a very French feel to it. In other words, the characters are foreign, but they are put into a French context. This of course influences the Mickey character itself as he is often shown having more brains than its American counterpart, which might suggest why the French find the American Mickey less interesting. Moreover, the first commercials promoting the park were too American in style, something that put off many parents. In a teaser commercial from 1992, the parks bigness and extravagance was stressed with the help of bombastic music, fast Hollywood-sty le cuts and a voice-over telling the following: a new world of holiday dreamsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦come and discover the magicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Euro Disney Paris, the most spectacular holiday in Europe!. Clearly this was not a commercial that was adapted to European tastes, and its efficiency remains doubtful as these kinds of American oriented commercials could not erase the image that most French had of the Disney park, namely a piece of land filled with merry-go-rounds, and one or two Mickeys walking around to take pictures with. Surely not something which would spur many return visits. As for French intellectuals, they felt that they knew more about the Disney parks and the kinds of ideologies that they promote, consequently drawing the conclusion that the European park was part of a grand scheme promoting Americas supremacy over Europe. French editor Jean Cau called it a horror made of cardboards, plastic and appalling colors, a construction of hardened chewing gum. Others called it the invasion of American culture and the symbol of the loss of European culture. Thus, the idea of a Disney park in Europe soon developed into a threat on European culture, more specifically French culture. Numerous intellectuals, journalists and politicians started to express their disagreement, sometimes transforming it into pure loathing. The backdrop to all of this turmoil is of course the relationship between the United States and France. From the moment that the Marquis de La Fayette set foot on American soil the relationship has been one of the love/hate category. Frustrated pol iticians and French-oriented journalists continue to emphasize this special relation. A recent event dealing with this is the 2003 Iraq war and the disagreement that the United States and France had over their involvement. As the conflict heated up, the American press urged the American public to boycott French products, ultimately relabeling French fries to Freedom Fries. However, the past of the relationship also shows the strength of it, as the French population owes much to the Americans, especially with regards to the post-World War II reconstruction period. I.e. the Marshall Plan was essential for France to get back up on its feet after it had been severely hurt by the German occupation. Furthermore, this plan aided the spread of American cultural products in France. Taking the love and hate aspects of the relationship into account it is quickly concluded that the French pay much attention to their identity. The French identity is one which is strongly defended, as throughout the years French generations have created categories such as the French, Frenchness, and the French way of life. Richard Kuisel elaborates on this Frenchness in much detail in his book Seducing the French: The Dilemma of Americanization since it greatly affects how the French viewed the Americans in the 1990s. They believed that their Frenchness was at risk due to the emerging power, prosperity and prestige of America, hence they were initially very critical of the country. Moreover, Christian Renaut makes clear that the French-American relation also has much to do with pride and jealousy. He explains how on the one hand, the French continue to find it difficult to accept that Americas multiculturalism resulting from cultural invasion does not seem to have an impact on Ameri cas economy. On the other hand, the Americans envy France for its artistic and cultural legacies, and how those legacies remain attractive despite Frances limited attempts to hide its arrogance about them. Taking Renauts arguments into account, it is not difficult to understand that when the Disney company decided to open a theme park in the country of Claude Monet, Victor Hugo and Voltaire with Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Dopey, many would not welcome them with open arms. In addition, the fact that the development of Euro Disney took place in the 1980s also hurt the companys chances of success in France. Its American theme parks were successful as well as its Japanese counterpart, yet Disneys animation studio was doing very poorly. The fact that its animation studio has to run successfully is crucial for Disneys reception around the world as the films spread the Disney message. After all, bad films create negative reviews for the Disney company. Both The Black Cauldron (1985) and Oliver and Company (1988) failed in France, as was the case in the rest of the world, hence those movies cannot be seen as good promotion material for a theme park. Later successes of The Little Mermaid (1989) and Beauty and the Beast (1991) had little effect on French critics view on Disney films. The idea that Disney harmed original European fairytales remained too popular in those circles. Very quickly, Ariane Mnouchkine, a successful French theatre director, labeled the E uro Disney park a cultural Chernobyl. This phrase would be recycled dozens of times by French intellectuals criticizing Disneys European venture. One of the most vocal critics was French Culture and Education Minister Jack Lang. At a Mexican UNESCO conference in 1981, Lang attacked certain great nations which have no other morality than that of profit, and seek to impose a uniform culture on the whole world. He called this intellectual and financial imperialism. Later on he labeled Euro Disney as being an enclave of American leisure industry in France. Still, he did not object to Disneys investment in the French economy and the many jobs it would create. This is confirmed by an article published in Panorama in 1992: After criticizing the American culture and denouncing its wild imperialism until 1981, the left wing government had but to negotiate with Disney to fight against unemployment and carry on with the development of the Ile-de-France region. Fortunately for Disney, not all intellectuals would take part in harshly criticizing the arrival of the park. Joffre Dumazedier, a sociologist, stated in Le Journal du Dimanche in 1991: at the time of Louis XIV, Europe spoke French. Then England fascinated the 19th century. Today it is up to the Americans, then it will be the Japanese. It is a stupid scare. Who cares Disney is American as long as it is well made. Basically the key to the project in France had to do with money issues and job opportunities. No government would turn down Disneys offer, as it had the potential to make a lot of money. In 1995, Right-wing President Jacques Chirac followed up Francois Mitterand. Chirac had a pro-Disneyland mindset as it fit with the right-wing tradition of admiring a sense of enterprise, whatever the cost, in addition to following the American model. Michael Eisner, CEO of the Walt Disney Company, confirms this in his autobiography Chirac would prove more sympathetic to our project, but his arrival meant dealing with an entirely new group of officials. Overall, the reality of the presence of a Disney theme park near Paris started a wave of criticism, especially from left-wingers. Disney tried to counter this criticism by continuously repeating that a majority of Disney films were based on European fairytales, hence they reasoned that they were paying homage to those classic tales from France, Germany and Denmark. In addition, Disney promoted the strong link France had with the company, since it had been present in the country for many years, covering various generations. Disney even went as far as showing that Walt Disney himself had drawn inspiration from Tivoli Gardens of Copenhagen in Denmark for the construction of Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Thus, uncovering Disneys European roots. These actions were successful to some extent, but they were not able to stop the negative views towards the park entirely. To conclude, Disney took into account these initial responses to the park and especially the Imagineering department acted upon French criticism. They designed the looks and feels of the park and tried to incorporate some aspects of European culture. Thus, the Imagineers attempts should be given some credit as they can be considered to be the first who acknowledged Disneys new European context. This raises the question, in how far were the Imagineers successful in creating a European style Disney park? Grand American designs with European details The parks architecture is an aspect which is very hard to criticize. The Imagineers knew that they had to design a park which was located in the very land of medieval castles and chateaus. Experience that they had gained from the construction of the American parks and Tokyo park was used to the fullest. One can therefore easily draw the conclusion that the European park is the most beautiful of them all. Popular American attractions such as Splash Mountain, New Orleans Square and Country Bear Jamboree are not included in the park, but this has no effect on its attractiveness. A key aspect of the European park is its landscaping. All themed areas have their own detailed gardens which brings a visitor immediately to the lands portrayed. For example, Fantasyland is filled with French garden architecture. This type of gardening has a mythical and magical feel to it that perfectly connects to the fairytales theme of Fantasyland. However, one has to remain critical when it comes to Disneys architectural adaptations that were made to fit the European context. Mostly because one has to look very closely in order to discover European traits. Victorian America is still represented in Main Street. Adventureland is not a place to pay attention to Europe as it is focused on Caribbean exotism. Best exemplified by the popular attraction Pirates of the Caribbean. Frontier land covers the heroic conquest of the West, also not a topic were Europeaness could be easily inserted. Fantasyland is the best area in the park when it comes to adapting to Europeans contexts, but Disney has not succeeded in reaching its full potential. The lands carrousel is called Lancelots Carrousel, but the Knights of the Round Table are never referred to. The same applies for attractions such as Peter Pans flight and the Mad Hatters Tea Cups. Literature refers to Alices Garden labyrinth as the key example of European adaptation by the Disney company, but it is based on Disneys version of the story and not Lewis Carolls. Thus, absolutely nothing has been done to add an extra European layer to the attractions. The only land where one finds some hints of E uropeanness of the park is Discovery Land. The Imagineers originally wanted to copy the American version of Tomorrowland with its emphasis on American technology and space adventure. But even the Imagineers agreed that this would be unsuitable for a park located in Europe. Thus, they constructed a land based on Jules Verne and gave it a nineteenth-century look. They included the Nautilus, a movie theatre showing documentaries on Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, created a Jules Verne inspired balloon for the faà §ade of Videopolis, and developed Space Mountain, a rollercoaster ride themed in Jules Verne style and following a Jules Vernes type of story. The remaining attractions in the land, Star Tours, and Michael Jacksons Captain EO completely lack any links with Europe, because they are exact copies of the American versions. Exiting the resort will also not bring guests into European atmospheres as both the Disney village as the hotels are American oriented. The Villages Planet Hollywo od, and its Buffalo Bill Wild West Show extravaganza are proof of this, as well as the themes of the hotels which can be drawn from their names: Newport Bay Club, Cheyenne Hotel, Santa Fe hotel, New York Hotel, Davy Crockett Ranch and Sequoia Lodge. As for the castle, the Sleeping Beauty Castle is not an exact copy of the castles in the other parks, yet is it also not typically European. It is absolutely stunning, but it is not more European than its counter parts, since it remains a creation based on fantasy. The idea that it is based on the German Neuschwanstein castle is a poor attempt by Disney to give the castle a European background. However, there is one aspect of the Sleeping Beauty Castle which is very European oriented, and that is the fact that it has a second floor. In the first year of the park, the imagineers came aware of the different reactions Europeans and Americans have towards the Disney castle. Both Europeans and Americans were impressed by its outer design, but Europeans were also interested in its interior design. This is exemplified by the fact that many European visitors ran to the castles stairs to see what was located on the upper levels. The Imagineers were never aware of the notion that castle interi ors were also important, mostly because the American Disney castles are only decorated on the ground level. After all, castles are not part of the local scenery in America, so why would American visitors be interested in lavish interiors? Intrigued by European visitors reactions, the imagineers designed La Galerie de la Belle au Bois-Dormant located on the mezzanine level of the castle. This is a walk-trough attraction depicting the story of Sleeping Beauty by means of stained-glass windows, tapestries and illuminated story-books. The attraction ends on the balcony of the castle so that guests have the opportunity to view Fantasy Land from above which hopefully results in feeling like a prince or princess. Despite this European oriented addition to the castle, Disneys architecture in France remains very American in nature. However, other aspects of the park have been Europeanized based on European feedback or at least that is what the Disney company promotes to its guests. These Europeanized aspects will be discussed later on, but first one has to establish the differences between European and American behaviors towards and within Disney parks in order to fully understand the adaptations that were made by the Disney company. Thus, to what extent does European behavior in Disney parks differ from American behavior? American culture vs. European culture in the Disney park The park struggled economically in the early years of its existence. Mostly, because Disney forgot to realize that the American visitor is not the same as the European visitor. First of all, the European visitor will not spend his or her money in the same way, most often it is not even spend at all. Secondly, the European visitor does not have a close connection with American Disney culture. For most American families it is normal to be raised with the Mickey Mouse Club, Disney songs and television shows. This is not the case in France and the rest of Europe, because animation celebrities extent beyond Mickey and Minnie. The French have Asterix, and Obelix, whereby jokes from the these comic books have become staples in the French language. The Belgians have Spike and Suzy (Suske and Wiske in Dutch). The Dutch have Oliver B. Bumble and Tom Puss (Olivier B. Bommel and Tom Poes in Dutch) to name a few European comic celebrities. Mickey and company cannot therefore be considered to be t he most important characters in European upbringing. This suggests that Europeans are more reserved when it comes to the popular notion of a Disney park being a must-see attraction. Thirdly, European people, especially from France, Holland, Germany and Scandinavia, remain very reserved when it comes to showing excitement towards Disney characters. The American parks are traditionally filled with parents dressed up in Disney merchandise, trying to channel their inner child. The European mindset simply does not comply with this. Many researchers have tried to find reasons for this, yet no consensus among conclusions has been reached, although some researchers connect Europes reserved mindset to its old cultural heritage. The same cultural differences can be seen in visitors reactions to parades and shows. American entertainment is accompanied by much applause and audience participation, while Europeans often prefer distance between performer and audience. This is of course not the cas e for people from the south regions of Europe, as their social codes support close contact, yet their visitor numbers are lower than the ones from the north regions of Europe, hence their presence has little effect on the general European reaction. All of these cultural differences cannot be changed by the Disney company, as they are so deeply rooted within Europe, yet the Disney company was able and willing to change some aspects of the Disney formula to fit European tastes. It must be noted, however, that these changes were mostly motivated by financial loses. By 1993, the park was on the verge of bankruptcy and essential modifications had to be made in order to keep the park from closing down. Thus, in how far was the Disney company successful in changing traits of its formula to European tastes? And have these changes affected the parks appeal for European visitors?. Adaptations that will be the discussed are found in food offerings, merchandise and employee policies in order to examine the parks cultural hybridity. Disneys attempts to adapt to local tastes Food The European park originally copied its food offerings to the ones on offer in the American parks, however, the company soon discovered that European eating habits had to be taken into account, more specifically European meal times. French travel editor Pierre Alamou commented on this by stating: Unlike grazing Americans, all Europeans eat lunch at the same time,with the exception of Spanish and Italians, fortunately. Before the parks opening the Disney company had already catered to Europeans preference for table-service restaurants. Main Street is the home to Walts, a restaurant specialized in American cuisine and decorated to the life of Walt Disney. Located in Fantasyland is Auberge de Cendrillon, a restaurant themed to the Cinderella story. The restaurant is famous for its French cuisine and for its focus on French culture. However, its French culture is seen through Disneys eyes as it is portrayed as the culture of lavish royal banquets and dances. The Blue Lagoon Restaurant in Adventureland specializes in seafood and offers a perfect setting for quiet elaborate meals. Overall, the table service restaurants serve to European tastes, yet their popularity is frequently challenged by high menu prices. This was the topic of many newspaper headlines in the early 1990s, for example Europe chokes on Euro Disney! Food and drinks very expensive! and Pricey day out! Feedback like this motivated Disney to quickly begin to focus on counter-service restaurants which offer quick and relatively cheap meals. Examples of such restaurants are Captain Hooks Galley and Caseys Corner. The existence of one counter-service restaurant in particular is interesting, namely Toad Hall Restaurant. This restaurant is built in the English manor style and its interior refers to the adventures of Mr. Toad. These adventures probably do not immediately ring a bell with European customers as their popularity is mostly found in America. Despite the fact that it is based on a story that is popular in America, the restaurant offers English food, as in fish and chips. This shows how Disney planners welcomed international cuisine to cater to European tastes. In addition, croissants, croquet monsieurs and Italian pizza are also offered in the park. As a result, international cuisine and American-style food are both equally featured in the park, although typical American Disney food such as corn dogs, cinnamon rolls and turkey legs have not been imported. Probably because these types of food are still too foreign for European guests. Food that is quintessential Disneyland Paris is the pizza burger, which was invented in Buzz Lightyears Pizza Planet Restaurant. Its name covers its content perfectly, it is a burger with pizza buns. One could argue that it is a perfect example of Disneys Europeanization as it combines the American burger with the Italian Pizza. However, it still feels very American, despite the fact that it has never been introduced in the American parks. One can draw the conclusion that the pizza burger encapsulates Disneys attempts to portray American food to Europeans. It has European details, but those are dominated by American designs. The serving of alcoholic beverages in the Disney Park is a highly debated topic. Initially the park banned alcohol as it could potentially harm the creation of a safe family haven. An idea invented by Walt Disney himself. However, in 1993, alcohol was introduced in the park. It was first only on offer in table-service restaurants, but it slowly made its way to counter-service. In this way, Disney paid respect to European dining habits, but more importantly it created much more revenue. This decision definitely played a role in the rise of ticket sales. Next to adaptations made in food offerings and restaurant services, Disney also adapted its merchandise to European contexts. Souvenirs Expensive upscale goods initially dominated the Disney stores in the park. Disney planners decided to do this as those goods were very successful in Japan. Moreover, it would show that Disney merchandise was not tacky or distasteful, an image that dominated European views on Disney memorabilia. However, the high price of these products as well as their designs were not accepted by visitors. Some visitors wanted an exact copy of the American merchandise. i.e. big Goofy hats, Mickey Mouse tie-dye shirts and princess dresses. Other visitors preferred fashionable merchandise with underemphasized Disney symbols much in the style of Belgian fashion brand Donaldson. This brand was a Disney licensee and produced stylish trench coats with Minnie Mouse embroidery among other things. In general, Disney took the best of both worlds. It offers typical American merchandise, but it also offers a European oriented line, called Produit exclusive Disneyland Paris, as it name suggests , this line inclu des products that are only on offer in Disneyland Paris. Employee policy The imposition of American customs on French workers and management was disastrous for the Disney company. It clearly showed a cultural gap between French and Americans. The restrictions imposed by Disney on how one has to look for the company were very strict. Bill Bryson commented on this in an article he wrote in 1993 for Observer Magazine: No one on the Disney pay roll is allowed to smoke
A Report On Mahabalipuram
A Report On Mahabalipuram Mahabalipuram Since times immemorial, Mahabalipuram has been always been a city whose fame has spread far and wide as being a seat of religion, learning and an important port in the ancient world. Mahabalipuram is located in the Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu and is home to several architectural monuments built between the 7th and the 9th century. Significance Mahabalipuram was at the height of its splendour and glory during the reign of Narasimhavaram and Rajsimhavaram who played an important role in building the many magnificient temples in the city as Mahabalipuram was the second capital of the Pallava kings. Legend has it that Mahabalipuram was created when Lord Vishnu killed the cruel Mahabali after a fierce battle. Formerly known as Mamallapuram, the city was renamed to its present name during the reign of Narasimhavarman 1. Attractions The Shore Temple: The shore temple at Mahabalipuram is a world heritage site as classified by UNESCO and is believed to be the only existing temple amongst the seven shore temples that were originally constructed. Constructed during the 7th century by Narasimha Varman, the temple bears exquisite designs and carvings and is supposed to be the forerunner of Dravidian architecture. Visitors to the temple are greeted by delicately carved dwar palaks, who are said to stand in guard of the deity inside. Arjunas Penance: This is a rock structure carved to resemble a whale and was built by Raja Narasimha the first. The either sides of this rock are engraved with exquisite carvings of Gods from the Hindu pantheon, birds, beasts and these figures are carved in such a way that gives an effect of a hurry to see the miracle about to happen. Krishna Mandapam: This is one of the largest mandapams and is dedicated to Lord Krishna, the mentor and guide of the Pandavas. The inside of this mandapam is decorated with carvings that depict incidents from Lord Krishnas life. Varaha Mandapam: The Varaha Mandapam lies beside the Arjuna penance and is dedicated to Lord Vishnus Varaha incarnation. The northern wall portrays Lord Vishnu standing on one foot atop Naga, the snake king attempting to rescue Prithvi, the Goddess of earth. The entrance to this mandapam has two pillars engraved with two horned lions that stand guard at the door of the mandapam. How to Reach In addition to being a religious centre, Mahabalipuram is also a wanderers delight for the open air museum style sights the city offers. Mahabalipuram is well connected to other cities in India. The Chennai airport is located 60 km from Mahabalipuram. The nearest railhead is Chengalpattu, about 29 km from Mahabalipuram and the city is also well connected by road to Chennai, Kanchipuram and Pondicherry.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Charles Fraziers Use of Music in Cold Mountain Essay -- Charles Frazi
Charles Frazier's Use of Music in Cold Mountain The American Civil War was a bitter, grief-filled conflict with oddly musical overtones. A Southern soldier, Alexander Hunter, recalled that â€Å"There was music in plenty,†(Lawrence 169) just as Charles Frazier’s character Stobrod in Cold Mountain remarks that â€Å"there was so much music back then†(407). While both the Union and the Confederacy placed great import on music, Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier focuses primarily on the Southern perspective of the war, in all of its aspects. Spiritual music gave soldiers hope, gave them something cheerful to listen to after their days of slogging through the grime of human remains, as Inman discovers during his journey. Songs of homecoming and perseverance also strengthened the women, children, and parents left behind, waiting with fearful hopes for the return of their loved ones. Ada’s continual reference to â€Å"Wayfaring Stranger†illustrates this point beautifully. Finally, the musical natures of both armies created a bond that otherwise would not have been possible, forming brief alliances among enemies. The impact of music during this period of American history was so great that General Robert E. Lee was heard to say â€Å"I don’t believe we can have an army without music†(Wiley qtd. in Waller and Edgington 147). Charles Frazier’s Cold Mountain exemplifies this statement, interweaving music throughout the struggles of Ada and Inman, using it as a tool to express emotion and to give a common thread to the broken culture that was the American South. The dissonant harmonies of Civil War-era music both complemented and contrasted itself, creating new forms from old ones and forging bonds where there had been nothing. Hope was a rare p... ...ow Music Shaped the Confederacy, 1861- 1865. Mechanicsburg: Stackpole, 2000. netLibrary, U of Denver Penrose Library. 15 April 2004 . â€Å"Aura Lea.†Music of the War Between the States. 24 April 2004 Frazier, Charles. Cold Mountain. New York: Vintage, 1998. Hill, Lois. â€Å"Lorena.†Poems and Songs of the American Civil War. 23 April 2004 . P. Wilson, Keith. Campfires of Freedom: The Camp Life of Black Soldiers During the Civil War. Kent: Kent State U P, 2002. S.A., R. â€Å"God Save the South!†Ballads of the North and South in the Civil War. Comp. Walbrook D. Swank Colonel, USAF RET. Shippensburg: Burd Street P, 1996. 66. W. Sears, Stephen. To The Gates of Richmond. New York: Ticknor and Fields, 1992. Waller, Lynn, and William P. Edgington. â€Å"Using Songs to Help Teach the Civil War.†Social Studies 92.4 (2001): 147- 150.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Positive Impact of Technology on Education Essays -- Teaching Educ
The Positive Impact of Technology on Education Today, technology is found everywhere in education.There are computers in many of the classrooms and schools contain computer labs, or at least numerous computers in the library available to students. In my paper, I want to discuss some of the positive and negative effects that technology has on education. Throughout my schooling, I’ve seen technology go through different stages of importance in education.When I was in elementary, I remember seeing maybe one computer in the whole school.Moving to middle school, each classroom had around two computers for students to use.The library had a small computer lab where computer classes were held and students could sign up to use them.High school consisted of computers in every classroom.The chemistry and physics room had a small computer lab, the library had a lab of about 30 computers, and we had a computer lab down the hall as well.I recently took a visit back to my elementary school and was amazed at the changes that had taken place, all technological.The library was turned into a fu...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
‘’Reunion’’ by John Cheever
A. An essay analyzing the short story This essay is going to be an analysis and interpretation of the short story ‘’Reunion’’ by John Cheever. It will begin with a summary of the short story. Afterwards the plot, the conflict and the setting will be analyzed. Then I’ll move on to the characterization, the possible surprise ending and the theme and message. Finally I will draw parallels between the short story ‘’Reunion’’ and the essay ‘’Living With Strangers’’ by Siri Hustvedt. ‘’Reunion’’ is a short story about a boy called Charlie and his last interaction with his father.Charlie was travelling by train from his grandmother’s to a cottage his mother had rented. He would be in New York for about an hour and thirty minutes while waiting for the new train and therefore he wanted to meet his father. He hadn’t seen his father for three years and Charlie was exi ted to see the man he looked up to again. Because of the lack of time, they couldn’t go and see the father’s club, so they had to find a restaurant in the area. They went to four restaurants and they get more or less thrown out of all four. The father in this short story was either really drunk or/and very arrogant.In all occasions he talked down to waiters or behaved bad in one way or the other. In spite of his bad behavior they managed to get a ‘’Beefeater Gibson’’ at one place. It all ended with the father going up to a newsstand, again with a bad attitude, which was the final straw for Charlie who said ‘’Goodbye, daddy’’ and walked towards the station. That was the last time Charlie saw his father. This short story is one big flashback. The whole story is a flashback that concedes chronologically. It starts with a very short introduction in which Charlie just says ‘’The last time I saw my father was in Grand Central Station.’’, and from thereon he tells the story as a flashback.The conflict in this story is the high expectations from Charlie. Charlie admires his father very much, but when he meets him, he’s an arrogant and probably drunk jerk. Three years have gone, since they last saw each other and that is a long time. People can change a lot during three years and this is probably what also happened to the father or else Charlie just remembered him differently. The end shows that the conflict was too much to bear for Charlie as he says ‘’†¦that was the last time I saw my father. ’’.The reason why it was the last time they saw each other is probably because of the disappointment Charlie must have felt. Probably he doesn’t want to see his former ‘’hero’’ anymore, because he actually is a jerk. The setting takes places in New York City or more precisely around the Grand Central Station. Furt hermore it takes place in four restaurants and by a newsstand. It is most likely to take place in the last half of the 20th century. It was first published in 1962, but the scene could still take place today. The fact that Charlie’s parents are divorced also makes the story more modern, since that problem is very common nowadays.Back in that time where it was written it was unusual to be divorced, actually it was almost weird. Now let?s move on to the characterizations. Charlie is the main character and he’s probably a young boy. He lives with his mother, as his parents are divorced. His age is not mentioned, but in the text there is a line that makes him sound young: ‘’I knew that when I was grown I would be something like him’’. This makes the reader picture him as a child as he says ‘’when I was grown’’. But o the other hand later on he drinks alcohol with his father, which makes him seem to be almost a grownup.T o begin with, he looks very much up to his father, that changes and it all ends with him not wanting to be with his father and actually never wanting to see him again. During the story he doesn’t really say much. Of course he’s the narrator, but it is the father who leads the conversations. The father owns a club and has a secretary. He smells of ‘’†¦a rich compound of whiskey and after-shave lotion, shoe polish, woollens, and the rankness of a mature male. ’’. The fact that he smells partly of whiskey suggests that he had been drinking. His behavior could also verify that, as he behaved like an unstable person.He could also just be very, very arrogant as he almost feels that he is more than for example the waiters. He talks down to people and is generally very unpleasant. Neither his name or age is mentioned, but he might be in the mid-forties. The characters are directly told about by the narrator for example in this part of the text à ¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬â„¢I smelled my father the way my mother sniffs a rose. It was a rich compound of whiskey and after-shave lotion, shoe polish, woollens, and the rankness of a mature male’’. He describes his father directly with a comment on his smell.It is called ‘’direct characterization’’ The father is a flat character – he remains the same throughout the story. He remains being a jerk, while Charlie is a round character as he develops throughout the story. At first he is excited to see his father again, but he ends up not wanting to ever see him again. We are dealing with a first person narrator, who in this story is the protagonist. The ending could be seen as a surprise ending since Charlie starts being excited to see his father but ends up saying ‘’Goodbye’’ and never wanting to see him again.On the other hand it isn’t really surprising, as the father throughout the story seems very unpleasant and may be even embarrassing to be around. It is a case of argument. The themes in this short story are love, father and son relationship, expectations, abuse of alcohol, disappointment (the grass isn’t always greener on the other side) and the hard word ‘’goodbye’’. The message here must be not to have too high expectations and that people change. Now it’s time to draw parallels between ‘’Reunion’’ and ‘’Living With Strangers’’. These two stories both take place in New York and they both touch the subject ‘’the meeting with strangers’’.In ‘’Living With Strangers’’ the narrator tells us about strange strangers, but in ‘’Reunion’’ Charlie’s father actually is the strange stranger. He marks the people he talks down to, with his boisterousness. They will maybe think back some time of the ‘’drunk/arrog ant jerk, who thought he owned the world’’. Generally these two stories show the two sides of a story. Another parallel could be the ‘’not making a big deal out of something’’. The waiters f. ex. don’t make a big deal out of the boisterousness, they just send Charlie’s father outside. That is the ‘’PRETEND IT ISN’T HAPPENING’’-rule.
Overpopulation of Animals
Millions of familiar wolfs ar existence euthanized by living creature securitys each course of study nationwide. One world power ask why this is. Is thither e very(prenominal) whizz person or persons that is accountable for the over macrocosm of wolfs going to our local anesthetic shelters? These ar comp allowely questions that need to be answered. If we as the general unexclusive indispensability to start tackling these problems, we need to turn a profit shape up understanding of how and why these problems argon created in the premiere place.As with every consequence there atomic number 18 constantly 2 sides to every story. This topic is no assorted. The different voices and depressions vary as much as the different grammatical cases of gets of savages. First you cede the confidence group, like that of your local sentient being shelters and hu homosexual societies. These groups agree primarily on the root that yes, animal over population is a huge problem, and that desex and neutering is the modernise virtuoso way to stop domesti strayed animals from creating much and more offspring.The second answer that many of the authority groups sh be is the feature that court owners ar non always as informed as they should be ab forbidden the readt and soul of time, attention, and money it in truth coming plunk fors to right disturbance for an animal. While disquisition with Dr. Joseph Hoelzle, a local veterinarian of 32 years in Cave Junction, OR, he definitely agrees that animal over population is a HUGE problem. He is presented fooling with animals that acquit been wooly or abandoned. Dr. Joe and his ply only gather in a diminished facility, so when they do receive b overleapguards and cats at their door feeling, they be very hold in the options they have.If an animal is very softheaded or injured they have the levelheaded right to euthanize. Otherwise if the animal in question is a computer-aided design they have to call the local animal shelter, as they do non have the facilities to avail dogs. Cats on the former(a)wise hand, they smoke do more with. Dr. Joe and his staff give the bounce theater of operations them longer and try and come ab egress radixs for them. When asked his opinion on whether or not he thought the public is deficiencying in education on the actual amount of responsibility it takes to take care of animals, his solvent was yes, definitely. Take horses for example, passel see horses and how attractive they are and trenchant to bring one home. If you have neer owned a horse before, or have never even been exposed to horses and how to take care of them, then you have no tinge how much run for it rattling takes to continue one. Dr. Joe went on to say that the average coat dog that is in good wellness takes approximately $10,000 a year to puritanically care for them. The first step when devising any decisions on driveing an animal, no subjec t what type or breed, is always research. inquiry how big they go tabu be, what types of health problems are prone to those specific animals, do they ingest a dish out of maintenance, are they towering in energy, and so forth. An separatewise converse that was conducted was with Marci, from the Josephine County brute Shelter in Grants Pass, OR. not knowing how far out the animal shelter was from my location, I make original to leave with plenty of time to find the shelter as well as be early for the actual discourse its self. As I was sitting out front of the animal shelter hold for my inter locating to be had, I toilet hear all the barking and howling of all the dogs.Through their sad cries you can hear the yearning in their voices to just be loved. This is just one of the many reasons I absolutely love dogs. Although they are locked in jail not know what their lowest destination might be, they unruffled realise everyone with a smile, and a wagging tail, faithful to the end. The first question to break the ice that I asked Marci was, do you like your art. Marci says she absolutely loves her job and would not change anything she does day-after-day that she is moderately of an adrenalin junkie. This job is a very rewarding job, frustrating at clock but very rewarding. You get the peril to make a discrimination, a difference with not only the animals that you receive or rescue, but too with the community. Life as an officer of the animal shelter can be very challenging at times. Some of the challenges they face on a regular basis is a deprivation of support, a huge lack in funding, lack of man power, and a lack of the proper equipment. They do not have all the fancy equipment that is seen in magazines, or on the popular TV. show on animate being Planet, Animal Police.Marci goes on to state, We do not even have the proper funding right now to obtain something as simple as ramps for our trucks. harmonize to Brad Tally, the animal control exe comeive program for the Josephine County Animal Shelter, there Annual figure is $400,000. The shelter only receives a natural of $75,000 from general funding. The shelter themselves are creditworthy for raising the remaining balance of $325,000 themselves. They do this through with(predicate) fundraising, donations and the funds they receive from positron emission tomography owners licensing their pets.Marci explains that it is an Oregon state law that a dog is licensed. Oregon does not actualize cats. If an animal control officer is called out to a residence for something like a disturbance call, and they realize that the dog is not licensed, the owner can be fined for the greet of the original license plus an added thirty dollar penalty fee. If the owner is sub receivabled not compliant within 30 days of the citation, they can be fined once more with a $360 dollar citation. We would alternatively not issue citations we would kind of try and cut the owners a break by enceinte them a verbal warning. Marcis thoughts on animal overpopulation and a productive method acting of reducing the number of animals producing offsprings that potentially have no homes to go to, are similar to those of Dr. Joe. She says that the overpopulation of domesticated animals can be stopped by spaying and neutering. That there are a lot of programs out there that can and will help with the cost of the procedures.If every pet owner decided to get their animals castrate or neutered, the number of animals being picked up and dropped off would decrease significantly. One motivator that is already in place statewide is that, if a pet owner does get there dogs fixed the cost of the licensing is also reduced. The cost goes from thirty five dollars cut out to eighteen dollars. Another issue Marci raise that contributes to the overpopulation problem was the fact that there are back yard breeders that breed dogs for money. They are not breeding their pure bred with another(p renominal) type of pure bred to offend the breed they are breeding these dogs just to gain money. They have no actual endeavor on ever doing anything with these dogs they merely do this out of pure greed. An opposing view point to this statement taken from CQ police detective Americas Pampered Pets, By bloody shame H. Cooper Volume 6, issue 48, Para. 29 states that AKC breeders argue that because their dogs are healthy and justly groomed, their rights to bred animals should not be taken away. When Marci was asked closely the disturbing fact that millions of animals are being euthanized each year in American shelters and whether or not this was true, her response was actually rather positive. She was able to leave a since of hope, in my now saddened realities.Marci stated that their evaluate of euthanasia have dropped considerably. That the shelter has started flavor for other means of dealing with their animals other than turning directly to euthanizing. Each year animal she lters nationwide receive what is cognize as throw away pets. What on the button are throw away pets? get word this youre out one day driving around with the family, and all of a sudden you see one of those handstitched signs that read Free Puppies. So you decided to pull over you walk up to see all the adorable puppies, wagging their tailcoat and looking at you with those big cleared eyes.You and the family take one home, not rightfully knowing much about the puppy, let alone its breed. And before you know it, this tricky little adorable puppy has turned out to be way more work than you or your family had initially anticipated. So with not wanting to continue to keep on up with the daily responsibilities of owning the dog, you decided to take it to the local animal shelter in hopes that it will find a better home. This is where the term throw away dogs comes from. Sadly seemly, this is what Marci and the others at the Animal shelter see on a daily basis.The general procedur e that is followed when a impertinently(a) animal is received differs from cats to dogs. The first step is the initial paperwork that is involved, getting them logged into jail. afterward they have done the paper work one of the first things they do is peter out the animal in hopes to find a microchip. (Microchips are tiny chips surgically ingrained into a dog or cats climb that contains all of the owners contact information. ) If there is not a microchip present and the dog does not have any type of licensing information on them, then the dog is held for seventy two hours.During the holding halt the dog is kept in the back kennels away from potential adoptees. A lost and found book is gone through to make sure that the dog in question has not already been called in as lost. If in the seventy two hour period the dog is still not claimed, they perform a nature test. If the dog passes the temperament test, then they are eligible for adoption. The other means of treatment stray dogs other than euthanasia, mentioned earlier in the paper, that the shelter turns to are working with other programs as well as other counties.Some of the programs they work with are PAWS and Dogs for the Deaf. The other county they work with to place dogs into forever homes is capital of Mississippi County. PAWS is a non-profit animal shelter laid in West Linn, Oregon. According to their website fixed at www. pawsanimalshelter. org, Since we opened our doors on June 6, 1999, we have found homes for over 1,000 cats, 45 dogs, 1 rabbit, 2 turtles, 1 pigeon, and a illumination horse. According to the website www. dogsforthedeaf. org, Dogs for the Deaf rescue dogs from animal shelters throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and California.We choose dogs that are people friendly, confident, and motivated by toys, treats, and affection. We rescue, train, and place 30-40 dogs annually. The dogs are trained with positive reinforcement and dozens of love. When asked Marcis opinion on the lack of public information, and whether or not this could be one of the factors that is contributing to the overpopulation of animals in animal shelters, her response was, As far as public information, that is something we do, but with the lack of man power and time we have, this is something that we cannot do enough of. There are only two actual officers working out of the Josephine County Animal Shelter, Marci and her partner Bill. Between the two of them they are expected to answer to every whizz call placed out of Josephine County.This land is roughly from the California border, to the Glendale off ramp, out to the Applegate area. This is where the lack of man power comes into play. An denomination in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, (Beyond Overpopulation A comment on Zawistowski et al. and Salman et al. By Fehell, Lee Anne, 1999 Vol. , Issue 3. Para. 24) Brings up yet another reason as to why animals start to stack up in animal shelters. The general public mo re times than not are detoured away from their local animal shelters due to the common knowledge that pets is killed at the site. They do not want to be made feel guilty or responsible for that animals life if they do not pick that certain one to bring home. Getting a new animal is and welcoming that animal into your home is supposed to be an exciting jovial event, not something that is associated with death or defeat.Although there is a majority of people who would rather obtain a dog or cat from someone they know rather than going to a shelter and perchance taking home an animal that they were not a hundred percent nail down on, there is also a self-aggrandizing majority of people who feel the manage opposite. They would rather go to the local animal shelter and possibly save that cat or dogs life. This in my opinion gives these individuals a sense of accomplishment. Here is a verse form about just that.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Community Nursing Hat 1 Essay
I chose as my club El Dorado County in the foothills of northern calcium. I live in this association. We argon a real kempt and active club with a large retirement group. I will go through the quadruplet assessments next. The Population economic Status mind shows our creation to be around 181,000. We argon made up of 80% egg etiolate Christian, with the next largest ethnic group existence about(predicate) 15% Mexican. The just ho occasion income is around $70,000 with 7.9% of the great unwashed being at or down the st tunes the poverty level. The Mexican tribe makes up the biggest percentage of the poor. El Dorado Countys median household income has been spunkyer(prenominal) than the state average since 2000, indicating that its residents drop much spending power than the average calciumn (El Dorado Co). The un practice treasure is 11.8%. El Dorado Countys unemployment count has been consistently lower than the calcium average since 1990. At each given time, at that place be 600+ homeless people in this corporation.Around 9000 people percolate nutriment stamps & anformer(a) 3000 play cash aid. On an average, we fuck off much a couple of(prenominal)er people on universe assistance than the bailiwick average. According to the nurture I garner in the heathen sagacity Tool, the population in this lodge has slightly much females than males which is very typical in these boorish atomic number 18as. thither are 80% gaberdine people living here with about a 15% Mexican population (El Dorado Co). 27% of the populous are connected with a church, mostly Catholic Christian, compared to the 50% in the USA (Religions). About 85% of the people are covered by wellness insurance, which is very utmost compared to the remnant of California. Cancer is the leading cause of death, with mall malady being second. The birth vagabond is 10.1 per 1000.County birth strays are consistently below average compared to the state, which is at tri yeted to the higher precedential population of the county (El Dorado Co). in that location is a high prevalence of drug and alcohol clapperclaw in this community, related to poor or ineffective coping skills in the populous. There is areal powerful steel against the homeless community here, which really could utility from approximately community teaching and outreach. The resemblance confederacy Safety estimate shows that the get off and pissing quality is very honestly in this community. Carbon monoxide levels are below the US average. They do usually have a few bad ancestry days a year callable to send aways. There is some residual hectogram left over from the mining days, but in low levels (El Dorado Co). During the winter snow, flood and the cold pose wellness hazards. During the summer, fires are a hazard to humans safety. However, thither is excellent fire and police resolution here in this community. numerous rivers and lakes in this community pose a ascend for drowning however, there are very few documented drownings here per year. There is quite a bit of acerbate oak & ivy here, and grass and hay fever irritants. Last, I will plow the Disaster Assessment & formulation in this community.Through my explore, I wander together that this community does follow federal guidelines for contingency attention (OES). There is a County Operational celestial sphere tweak Operations Plan that was adopted in 2007 (metropolis of Placerville). This pattern has four part that cover administrative, an emergency operations focalise political platform, a recovery architectural political program, & plans specific to a type of emergency (terrorism, multi-casualty incidents, hazard moderation plan, etc.). This plan meets admits for rescue, medical exam wish, food, shelter, habiliment, transient housing, and employment should an emergency arise. This community also uses the CDCs state-supported health need solution cha nnelise for emergency homework & answer. I erect all this information on line, but it took considerable research and was non easy. In my research, I found that most residents in this community are not aware of any chance cooking plan, nor do they go where to find one. There needs to some community wide teaching on chance readiness, and where to find information regarding this. The following is my community genogram and diagnosis.Community DiagnosisWithin the parameters assessed above, El Dorado County California is a reasoning(a) community. The areas that need goods are discovering a way to religious service people respond in lusty ways to painful life events some other than drugs & alcohol, to develop & implement a plan to inspection and rep disperse the homeless community, to organise the public regarding the causes and interventionmeasures for Cancer & Coronary arteria Disease, and to educate the public regarding emergency & incident preparation through comm unity outreach programs.Community DiagnosisWithin the parameters assessed above, El Dorado County California is a healthy community. The areas that need improvements are discovering a way to sponsor people respond in healthy ways to painful life events other than drugs & alcohol, to create & implement a plan to help the homeless community, to educate the public regarding the causes and preventative measures for Cancer & Coronary arteria Disease, and to educate the public regarding emergency & contingency preparedness through community outreach programs.El Dorado County, CaliforniahhhhEl Dorado County, CaliforniahhhhPopulation economic StatusLocated in Yankee CaliforniaPopulation 181,058by and large neatNext largest ethnic group MexicanMedian household income 70,0007.9% households at or below poverty level11.8% unemployment rate600+ homeless9,000 receive food stamps3,000 families receive cash aidPopulation Economic StatusLocated in Northern CaliforniaPopulation 181,058 or soly whiteNext largest ethnic group MexicanMedian household income 70,0007.9% households at or below poverty level11.8% unemployment rate600+ homeless9,000 receive food stamps3,000 families receive cash aidCultural AssessmentSlightly more females than malesMostly white ChristiansSubcultures small Mexican & AsianMany drive in how to achieve effective health-60% put forth effort85% have health coverageMost know how & where to obtain medical caresenior high school prevalence of alcohol & drug ill-usage receivable to a manikin of stressors Stigmas of homelessness considerable variety of outdoor volunteer(a) activitiesCultural AssessmentSlightly more females than malesMostly white ChristiansSubcultures small Mexican & AsianMany know how to achieve effectual health-60% put forth effort85% have health coverageMost know how & where to obtain medical careHigh prevalence of alcohol & drug abuse due to a variety of stressors Stigmas of homelessness abundant variety of outdoor recreational a ctivities vicinity/ Community SafetyHealth dept very involved in providing health services, gentility & information Very good air qualityVery good water qualityPotential for wildlife diseaseVast amounts of rivers & lakes authority for drowningSevere brave events potentialPotential for fires due to broad forestry clarified fire & police repartee municipal violence calls 10.5 per 1000Neighborhood/ Community SafetyHealth dept very involved in providing health services, education & information Very good air qualityVery good water qualityPotential for wildlife diseaseVast amounts of rivers & lakes potential for drowningSevere weather events potentialPotential for fires due to vast forestryExcellent fire & police responseDomestic violence calls 10.5 per 1000Disaster Assessment/PlanningEl Dorado County Operational field of honor touch Operations PlanCalifornia requisite Management Agency & federal Emergency Management Agency preparedness plan Following federal guidelinesRescue, me dical care, food, shelter, clothingTemporary housing, food stamps, employmentPublic Health Emergency Response Guide by CDC for emergency preparedness and response Most residents unaware of any planDisaster plan not pronto available or slow foundDisaster Assessment/PlanningEl Dorado County Operational Area Emergency Operations PlanCalifornia Emergency Management Agency & Federal Emergency ManagementAgency preparedness plan Following federal guidelinesRescue, medical care, food, shelter, clothingTemporary housing, food stamps, employmentPublic Health Emergency Response Guide by CDC for emergency preparedness and response Most residents unaware of any planDisaster plan not readily available or easily foundThe community genogram shows a relatively healthy mostly white community. As a whole, the people here make a good living, with unemployment below the field average. A small percentage receives food stamps and public cash benefits, also below the national average. Most people have he alth coverage, and about 60% of the population is proactive with their health. The leading causes of death are crabmeat and then cardiac disease occurring in the high 80s of age, due to the large retirement population. The public health department is very involved in providing health services here (CDHP). The air and water quality is good here, with contaminant below the national average. There is some potential for bad weather and fires, however, our fire and police response are excellent here. There is a good disaster preparedness plan, however, it is difficult to find, and few know about it. There is a high incidence of alcohol and drug use here, with poor and inadequate coping skills to finagle difficult life events. The homeless population is really looked down upon here. Within the parameters assessed above, El Dorado County is a healthy community. The areas that need improvement are discovering a way to help people respond in healthy ways to painful life events other than drugs & alcohol, to create & implement a plan to help the homeless community, to educate the public regarding the causes and preventative measures for Cancer & Coronary Artery Disease, and to educate the public regarding emergency & disaster preparedness through community outreach programs.BibliographyCDHP. Retrieved from http// City of Placerville. Retrieved from http// El DoradoCounty Economic and Demographic Profile. Retrieved from http// representation of Emergency Services (OES). Retrieved from http// arrest/Office_of_Emergency_Services_
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