Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Economic of Apples over Price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Monetary of Apples over Price - Essay Example So the value flexibility is consistently negative I finished my Bachelors in Commerce last scholarly year. The decisions before me to proceed with my investigations were Masters in Commerce of Masters in Business Administration. I selected Master in Business Administration. My next best option was Masters in Commerce. I assessed the cash I will spend in doing Masters in Commerce and Business Administration. Additionally I determined the advantages (my pay) I will draw after my course. In Commerce I will learn a greater amount of exchange and Accountancy. While in Business Administration I will learn outline of business organization, the board standards and methodologies in dealing with the organizations. My income as administrator are more when contrasted with my profit as Accountant. As an administrator my learning, character likewise develops. I can also begin my own endeavor. Business Administration gives more introduction to organizations around the globe. Business organization is increasingly commonsense and the methodology is so. The decision to work in intrigued field is more with business organization. Furthermore, work pivot is simpler in Business organization. In my profession I will overseeing organizations as opposed to carry out the responsibilities. The activity includes dynamic and methodology making. Furthermore, the skyline I would take a shot at is more extensive. This sounded intriguing to me.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Historical figures Conquering segregation and racism free essay sample
Our reality has made some amazing progress, as a result of chronicled figures who vanquished the word incomprehensible. Bigotry and isolation would be a significant guarantor however dark chronicled figures stood firm against it inadvertently. A law and thought that was for all time encoded in the brains of society appeared to be difficult to change. Jackie Robinson, Ernie Davis, and Rosa Parks contradicted isolation and bigotry by triumphing over what was once inconceivable. Jackie Robinson separated the isolation hindrance that flanked sports. Competitors of shading were not permitted to contend in significant group sports.Colored men who needed to play baseball were sent to Negro Leagues and never allowed to contend in Major League Baseball. Competitors in the Negro Leagues were viewed as not sufficient to play in Major League Baseball and never given an opportunity as well. Despite the fact that Jackie Robinson refuted that idea when he ventured out on that jewel field. Jackie Robinson turned into the primary African Americans to play in Major League Baseball in the cutting edge period. Robinson broke the baseball shading line when the Brooklyn Dodgers began him at a respectable starting point on April 15, 1947.As the primary significant class am to play a dark man the Dodgers finished racial isolation. The case of Robinsons character and irrefutable ability tested the customary premise of isolation, which at that point checked numerous different parts of American life, and contributed fundamentally to the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson didn't search out to give an outlet for every single dark competitor to come or add to the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson simply needed to demonstrate that he was the best baseball player in the world.Robinson had a charitable rationale in sportsmanship and seriousness. Beside changing the universe of sports for dark men, Jackie Robinson had an uncommon baseball vocation. More than ten seasons, Robinson played in six World Series and added to the Dodgers 1955 World Series Championship. The MI_B likewise made a day called Jackie Robinson Day where each player wears the number 42 on their shirt. Jackie Robinson opened up open door for dark men to contend in sports. It was outlandish for a hued man to contend in a white man game and conquer the despise from groups and opponents.Jackie Robinson persevered through all the torment ND simply played the game he wanted to defeat the unimaginable. Jackie Robinson never abandoned being the best baseball player in any case on all the snags, and the final product represents itself with no issue. Jackie Robinson opened the entryway for youthful competitors In baseball as well as different games as well. Football was constantly viewed as a white man sport and resembled a religion for white fans. Ernie Davis was a youthful secondary school player who thought his football vocation was over after he graduated. A proposal from Syracuse changed Ernie Davits life, for the time being he was beginning running back.Ernie Davis tried to be the best running back he could, and his folks were glad that an advanced degree accompanied it. Syracuse just had 3 dark understudies joining in and every one of them played for the football crew. At away games , Ernie Davis found bigotry even from a pessimistic standpoint. The shaded players on Syracuse were not given indistinguishable extravagances from the white players. Ernie Davis had to stay in bed grimy lodgings, utilize disturbing bathrooms, and rest on chilly floors. Ordinary white restricting fans would send demise dangers and toss waste at Davis previously, during and after games.Ernie Davis was an all tar player, however he was dealt with like a foe of the world. Ernie Davis didn't request to battle the highly contrasting war, he was only an athlete attempting to see his ability. Davis demonstrated that difficult work pays off on the grounds that he lead his group to a NCAA Championship and MAP respects. The youthful competitor was named the primary dark player to be granted the Hessian trophy, which is a high individual respect in school football. Ernie Davis was gotten by the NFG Cleveland Browns and prepared to make his introduction at the expert level. A disaster developed when Ernie Davis was determined to have Leukemia at age 23.Ernie Davis realized he could always be unable to play a round of expert football and was vexed his fantasy could never work out as expected. Davis made ready for all up and coming youthful dark football players, and made an incomprehensible crucial for anybody. What once began as a child following his fantasy, turned into a child changing the universe of football with his ability. Ernie Davis kicked the bucket while never playing a moment of expert football, yet he vanquished bigotry in the game itself. John F. Kennedy talked at Inkier Davits memorial service and recounted to the tale of an American saint engaging the wickedness of bigotry that possessed the round of crackpot. Jackie Robinson and Ernie Davis changed the bigotry inside the universe of sports, yet a lady named Rosa Parks battled isolation with a basic motion. Rosa Parks changed the world by declining to surrender her seat on the transport. Rosa Parks didn't embark to have any kind of effect and conflict with the law. Rosa parks was only an older lady who had torment in her feet. Rosa parks thought process was to abstain from feeling torment, and wouldn't move from her great seat. A white man didn't see the age distinction, rather he saw the distinction in skin shading. The circumstance turned into a battle illegal, bigot brains, and conglomeration. Rosa Parks simply needed to impact the rationale of having regular civility for the old. A philanthropic heart lead to changing the point of view of the numerous who segregated. The sparkle that set off the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Rosa Parks gave the NAACP association the episode it expected to move in on isolation. Rosa parks headed the young division at the NAACP and got the Congressional Medal of Honor. Rosa Parks demonstration of rebellion became significant images of the advanced Civil Rights Movement. She turned into a universal symbol of protection from racial isolation .She worked tit with social equality pioneers Edgar Nixon who was leader of the neighborhood part of the NAACP; and Martin Luther King. There is no uncertainty Rosa Parks is one our countrys most significant authentic figures. On the off chance that equivalent occasions were to happen on a transport in our general public today, the tables would be turned. For a model the more youthful men of their word would offer his seat up for the older lady restrict to sending her to the rear of the transport. Rosa Parks had given individuals a selfless perspective on individuals extraordinary. Rewarding individuals with consideration and the manner in which you Want to be dealt with is the exercise taken.
Trans Organizational Systems In The Current Turbulent Environment Management Essay
Trans Organizational Systems In The Current Turbulent Environment Management Essay In the current violent condition with the between arranged undertakings, by building up viable network associations the chance of versatile space, compliment and progressively law based associations and networks will be increasingly powerful. Associations must make compelling relations among themselves as well as other people. In this time the issues like participation and connections come up. Associations ought to examine themselves and filter and do examination the earth correctly to make an economical network. This paper plans to audit some significant parts of Partnerships, Coalitions, Sole and Trans-hierarchical Systems In the current Turbulent Environment. Presentation Today, a dominant part of professionals and scholastic spectators appear to concur that particular types of long haul arranged co-activity between in formal terms autonomous firms and suggest significant points of interest which would neither happen essentially based on absolutely entrepreneurial conduct and transient directions nor would they emerge from structures of focal control and authoritative reconciliation (Bachmann, 2007). Without a doubt, the pattern towards the foundation of close-and long haul arranged outer connections is solid and has likewise been affirmed by numerous commitments which lately talked about the attributes of the arrangement of between firm relations (Bachmann, 2007). The term association portrays a wide scope of agreements and casual game plans among firms and networks. The people group associated with organizations run from nearby to worldwide in scale. Associations are connections and understandings that are effectively gone into, on the desire for advantage, by at least two gatherings. Associations are framed to address issues of aggregate ramifications of people at neighborhood and territorial spatial levels, for example, administration, personal satisfaction, financial turn of events, social attachment, business, and so on. Associations are a way to share hazard between the two gatherings, and outsiders frequently assume significant strong jobs (Mayers and Vermeulen, 2002). Attributes of successful network associations Discoveries from the investigation led by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) have shown that compelling network associations incorporate the accompanying attributes: An exhaustive vision that includes all portions in a network and parts of network life. A generally shared vision that has been conceded to by gatherings and residents over the network. A solid center of submitted accomplices who have been associated with the organization from the earliest starting point. A comprehensive and expansive based enrollments that mirrors the investment from all sections of the network, including the work place. Shirking or speedy goals of contention that may make a misconception about an organizations essential reason. Decentralized units, for example, nearby arranging boards or neighborhood groups, which not just support activity coordinated at the requirements of the little regions inside a network, yet additionally enroll occupants to take the fundamental activities or choices. Sensible staff turnover that isn't problematic. Broad counteraction exercises and backing for nearby avoidance. (CSAP, 2000). Associations additionally fortify popularity based practices. The best test of communitys organizations is to utilize their own benefits and to disguise the need to better their ways of life that can be accomplished through individual and network strengthening. The variables that exist in a network are called resources characterized by three interrelated attributes: incorporate the limits of the individuals, inside engaged and driven by connections. To enable the network implies that it might have the option to make riches and the premise of feasible advancement utilizing all the assets and all the vehicles available to its. In people group associations, power relations are altered among the fundamental entertainers, NGOs, grassroots associations, the private division and neighborhood governments, as equivalent accomplices in accord building and dynamic. As a fundamental component of improvement, network establishments unite key investors as equivalent accomplices with their own remarkable resources and their ability of nature. Networks must become equivalent accomplices in the advancement procedure through the inclusion of every one of their individuals in the examination of existing resources as a beginning stage for propelling a speculation activity, as opposed to become beneficiaries needing ability. Creative answers for difficulties confronting social orders can be found through associations between government, firms, networks and common society. Through organizations, these financial specialists may cooperate to plan and adjust techniques and arrangements and take activities steady with shared needs to improve administration of nearby conditions. Points of interest of Partnerships As indicated by Cinnã ©ide (2003) upgraded administration through associations empowers society to tackle issues all the more successfully through: Incorporated all encompassing methodology Co-appointment of approaches/activities Cooperation of municipal society in dynamic Sympathy with nearby needs/conditions Adjustment of approaches/activities to neighborhood needs Uniquely custom fitted region based techniques Utilizing extra assets Cooperative energy from collaboration Two different ways to advance putting resources into networks are to include the private division and to concentrate on riches creation instead of destitution mitigation. With organizations the network carries different elements to be impetuses, facilitators and vehicles to activate assets. Organizations are imperative to the private part since they help to deal with the desires for the network. The private area has the component through which it can activate assets, help governments and be a decent accomplice for networks. Burdens of Partnership A favorable position of an organization over a sole ownership can likewise be a burden. That accomplice who was at first ideal to have around to help settle on choices can rapidly transform into somebody to contend with over how the business ought to be run. In an association you don't generally get your direction. Yet, in a sole ownership, you get the opportunity to settle on the entirety of the choices. Just you are answerable for progress or disappointment. The principle disservice of an organization in contrast with a restricted association, enterprise, or constrained obligation organization is the boundless risk of an organization. In a normal association, each accomplice is by and by subject for the obligations of the organization. In the event that your accomplice adds to a great deal of obligations for the business, or if the business loses a claim, the loan bosses can come after your own things to get paid, (for example, your own financial balances, vehicle, vessel, and so f orth.). Notwithstanding, if your business is consolidated or enrolled as a constrained obligation organization, the lenders can just come after cash and property having a place with the business. So also, on the off chance that you are a restricted accomplice in a constrained organization, lenders can just come after property of the business or the general accomplices. Your own property is sheltered in such conditions. The possibility of the business elements with restricted obligation of the proprietors came to fruition as a route for the administration to urge individuals to begin organizations to help the economy. It is a best approach into business without gambling all that you own. Another conceivable bit of leeway to different types of working together is in the territory of assessments. Figuring out which kind of business substance gives the best duty circumstance will rely on numerous factors of the specific business wherein you are included. This can best be controlled by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or expense lawyer. The figure beneath is another gander at the points of interest and burdens of the different kinds of business associations (Haman, 2004, pp.4-5). 4. Government-government associations The one of a kind open private US-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity activity was propelled in September 2001 with activities to target monetary advancement in Mexico in the zones, which produce the most transients. US-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity conveys the Good Partner Award to perceive the job of the private area in propelling social and monetary improvement in Mexico. In 2004, the champs were General Motors de Mã ©xico and Comercial Mexicana de Pinturas (Consorcio COMEX). US-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity has as a focal program the government managed savings understanding and elevates access to sustenance programs for the Hispanic populace. The Mothers Union features the way that it offers insignificant empty talk to the job of common society, has a selective spotlight on government-government organizations and disregards the requirement for sexual orientation uniformity and human rights to be basic to the advancement procedure: Such holes are less inclined to have been missing if the Commission had included individuals from the grassroots of Africa and specifically more women(Daniel, 2006). 5. Government-firms associations Associations among governments and personal business are vital now and again for manageability and improvement of miniaturized scale and little ventures. The open private area association cooperation between the Konkola Copper Mines riches creation association with the legislature, the World Bank Group through the International Finance Corporation and different associations and organizations and corporate accomplices, similar to British Petroleum have a social improvement plan, An open private association among Timberland and City Year of Americorps has extended exercises to 13 areas the nation over and a test case program in South Africa. Merck has an association with the Gates Foundation and the Botswanan government to help wellbeing administrations there. Joining forces with Business is a private division organization between the Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) and United States Agency for International Development (USAID), advance reasonable vitality
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Care for Horses
The most effective method to Care for Horses Free Online Research Papers Emir Abd-el-Kader once said â€Å"By reason of his style, he looks like a picture painted in a royal residence, however he is as magnificent as the castle itself.†Horses are a significant piece of the present reality. Their tastefulness, style magnificence and beauty make them one of the most good creatures on the planet and thinking about them can be for delight or profession. There are numerous variables in thinking about the ponies, for example, lodging, nourishment, clinical consideration, exercise and smithy visits. To possess a pony you should have the correct lodging. These days ponies are predominantly kept in a stable for the vast majority of their lives. This could be for accommodation or so they are saved flawless and clean for appears. The pony must be given sufficient room so they don't get cast (horse rests excessively near a divider and can't get up). The standard estimation for a slow down would be 12 feet by 12 feet. (Val Equine net 2006). In spite of the fact that it's anything but a need numerous ponies improve when they are permitted field to munch upon. On the off chance that there are various ponies outside together it is fundamental to have 2 sections of land of land per horse. Ponies likewise need appropriate sustenance. They ought to be given water free choice(unlimited flexibly) and they should drink around 12 to 20 gallons for each day. In the event that you plan on keeping your pony in a slow down you should top off the water basin on numerous occasions for the duration of the day, except if you have a robotized water framework or varying. There are various kinds of feed that are accessible yet actually I would pick Nutrena Safe Choice Horse Feed as a result of it has elevated levels of protein and starches. You will likewise require feed. Plantation grass is normally the least expensive yet you should utilize a hay contingent upon the age and state of the pony. Ponies that are outside and being kept up as a show creature will require their field controlled (how much grass they devour) so they don't put on an excess of weight. Ponies must have their immunizations similarly as individuals would. There are a wide range of sorts of immunizations, for example, botulism, encephalomyelitis, flu, Potomac horse fever; rabies and chokes just to give some examples (Prinz 2005). Your pony will get its first shots a couple of days after it is conceived and afterward will keep on requiring the inoculations all through his/her life. They additionally should be dewormed each three to about a month and a half. You ought to consistently design your entire year’s worming routine and imprint each cylinder and the date to be given. This will push you to not miss any basic dates that may change the cycle.(Hayes 1999) Exercise is a crucial piece of the horse’s every day schedule. There are bunches of purposes behind practicing ponies kept in slows down other than keeping them intellectually and genuinely solid. Analysts from the University of Flordia have discovered improved leg bone and joint advancement in foals that were slowed down however given normal exercise. Foals that were slowed down without practice bounced back in bone improvement when they were ended up pasturing. Weanlings slowed down without practice had less bone mass than those left on field. In more established ponies you should exercise to forestall sicknesses, for example, colic. Methods of activity incorporate riding, lurching strolling, and turnout(putting a pony outside for self exercise). Something else that ponies need is foot care. A ponies hooves ought to be routinely thought about each four to about a month and a half (Johnson 2003). There are numerous variables that should consider while choosing when all is good and well, for example, wellbeing of hooves, potential foreseen use, abandons in step and additionally compliance and the wounds of the pony. On the off chance that your pony is conformationally right, at that point the hooves should simply be cut. Be that as it may if there is a compliance issue or the pony is being utilized a lot(showing consistently, and so on.) you will require remedial shoeing which either fixes the adaptation blames or lets the pony experience less stun onto the hooves. Albeit exorbitant possessing a pony can give bliss into your life. Regular thinking about the pony will give you fulfillment. It might appear to be a ton of work in the first place yet in the end you will get into an everyday practice. However you can learn constantly. Your pony should live in a perfect, solid condition thought about as though he/she were a lord. Research Papers on How to Care for HorsesWhere Wild and West MeetResearch Process Part OneGenetic EngineeringThe Spring and AutumnThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Hockey GameBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self
Friday, August 14, 2020
Mass Customization What, Why, How, and Examples
Mass Customization What, Why, How, and Examples Mass customization is an important business concept, which numerous brands are adopting these days. Moreover, the concept is also utilized in the development of marketing strategies for product and service lines and during the process of recognizing the target audience of a brand or business. © | JeremyRichardsIn this article we start discussing 1) what is mass customization; going then to describe 2) approaches to mass customization; 3) how it is helpful for entrepreneurs?; 4) insights into modern concepts related to mass customization; and 5) challenges in mass customization.WHAT IS MASS CUSTOMIZATION?It deals with making changes to a product or service to satisfy a given consumer group. The changes could be as small as a variety of different flavors or colors or as complex as developing a completely new product for a particular client-base.Mass customization combines the personalization and flexibility of custom-made business manufacturing and takes it to another level of mass production, which offers a lower unit cost. Therefore, different mass consumer groups are targeted in mass customization rather than targeting a single client. This concept is utilized in numerous business types for instance in software that allow users to change or add certain functionalities according to their requirement. Similarly, Macbooks are available in different RAM sizes, hard disk capacities and the outer finish to provide users exactly what they are looking for. Mass customization is also known as “build to order†or “made to orderâ€.APPROACHES TO MASS CUSTOMIZATIONThere are four basic approaches to mass customization, depending on customization of the product itself or its representation. 1. Collaborative CustomizationCollaborative customizers talk to the clients to help them recognize what they need, to recognize factors that will fulfill those needs and to create customized products following those guidelines.This approach falls under mass customization and is primarily meant for businesses with highly-customization-centric clientele. Moreover, this approach seeks to help clients who struggle to spot exactly what they want and find themselves confused between a huge variety of options. Through decreasing options for an individual client, a collaborative customizer helps to understand the needs of the customers and strives to make it clear to them.2. Adaptive CustomizationBusinesses that follow the approach of adaptive customization offer one standard product to the customers along with a few customization options. This approach makes sure that the product is designed in a manner that it can be customized by the end client with absolute ease.This approach is ideal fo r a client-base that has different expectations from the product in different situations and occasions. With the availability of technology, clients can easily customize the products on their own.Pennsylvania’s Lutron Electronics Company forms the best example of this approach. Its clients can make use of its lighting systems to develop the required mood at home or to maximize productivity during the work hours through a wide range of available switches. The design of this lighting system enables clients to create different moods for reading, romantic moments or lively parties. It does so by connecting different lights together and enabling the clients to select the effects.3. Cosmetic CustomizationCosmetic customizers advertize a standard product differently to different groups of clients. This approach works well when clients use the same product but want them to be presented differently. Such products are not customized but instead they are packaged differently to suit differen t kinds of customers.For instance, the benefits and attributes of a product are advertized in a different manner, it is displayed in a different way, promotional programs are communicated and designed differently, and the product mostly carries the client’s name. Although this type of customization is, as its name suggests; cosmetic, it offers great value to a lot of clients. Each year, clients spend billions of dollars on products such as named sweatshirts and T-shirts.The Planters Company (Nabisco) made use of cosmetic customization to fulfill dissimilar merchandising requirements of its retail clients. As compared to Dominick, Jewel demanded diverse promotional packages while Wal-Mart demanded more mixed nuts and peanuts as compared to 7-Eleven and Safeway. The standard packages of Planters only included small, medium, and large sized cans in the past. However, now the company can easily switch between diverse shipping containers, labels, and sizes to satisfy the demands of its customers.4. Transparent CustomizationTransparent Customization deals with providing customized products to individual clients without telling them that the products are exclusively produced for them.This approach work in cases where the customer does not want to repeat what she/he needs incessantly or when client needs are predictable or obvious.Businesses that deal in a transparent customization examine client’s behavior without direct communication with them and then discreetly customize their products for them.Ohio’s ChemStation has successfully recognized the needs of its customers and has presented them with amazing, standard products. Its industrial soap that can be used for commercial uses like a factory floor cleaning and car washing was whole-heartedly accepted by the market when it launched. ChemStation also analyzes the washing requirements of each customer and produces suitable detergents for them. The company maintains a record of the client’s usage pattern thro ugh continuous monitoring and delivers soap to their houses when it is about to fall short without needing the customers to call up and place the order.HOW IT IS HELPFUL FOR ENTREPRENEURS?It is true that mass customization caters to the masses, but that does not mean that it is only meant for big corporations and brands. In fact, it provides a lot of assistance, food-for-thought and motivation to entrepreneurs as well. First and foremost, as you apply the concept of mass customization to the designing process, as an entrepreneur you will have a remarkable amount of creativity to deal with. It refines the design phase and modifies it to satisfy the customers in the best way possible.This concept mainly deals with the consumer and helps entrepreneurs in identifying who their customers are and what are their likes. Since all customers like to be treated in a special manner, mass customization can bring great business benefits to entrepreneurs if they deal with it in the right manner.Th ere are different approaches and types of mass customization, and hence entrepreneurs can use this production method in the way that suits them the best. Adaptive customization is probably the most utilized type of mass customization among entrepreneurs, as in this production technique standard products are created which can be customized by the users according to their requirements. Since the customized production only begins when the order is placed, there is a lesser chance of a loss.Therefore, in the current scenario where businesses are all ears to the expectations and needs of the clients and customers are willing to pay extra to ‘feel good’, mass customization leads entrepreneurs to the right way with the right kind of products and customization options.INSIGHTS INTO MODERN CONCEPTS RELATED TO MASS CUSTOMIZATIONHow mass customization has evolved?The global production industry began with mass production, which focused on producing standardized products for the masses. Howe ver, the focus began shifting to the consumers in the 20th Century where all commercial sectors such as retail, service, technology, and manufacturing started taking the likes and dislikes of the consumers very seriously. This is because the customers were evolving, and the demands began to vary from customer to customer.Currently, the concept of mass customization is being used in businesses like high-end boutiques where exclusive outfits are created for women according to their taste. However, different sectors are also benefiting from it through the usage of technology that is making it easier to create customized products for masses. Majority of the marketing and production experts think that the concept is here to stay.If mass customization is conducted on products that are exchanged from one business to another, it is referred to as a continuation of total quality management; whereas when it is conducted for the end customer, it is called ‘egonomics’. It does not matter wh ich industry it operates in, latest information technology allows companies to track consumer preferences, and user-friendly manufacturing machinery allows end-products to satisfy those preferences.Distribution ChannelsAn effective distribution and sales system is required to enable customization, as it needs a system through which the product could be channeled to the end customer. In fact, some companies use the distribution method as the mass customization process whereas other companies alter and make modifications to their delivery systems to ensure customization.Companies such as Levi Strauss, The Custom Foot, and Ascot Chang make use of retail models that require them to employ trained and professional sales staff to take custom measurements in the factory outlet of the brand. After manufacturing, these brands directly ship the customized product to the client.Mass customization requires trained sales representatives at outlets so that the concept can be implemented. On the o ther hand, there are numerous manufacturers who have adapted mass customization in alternative distribution and sales channels. For instance, after 10 years of using middlemen retail shops such as Lord Taylor, Bloomingdale’s and Neiman Marcus, Brenda French took her clothing brand to a next level through selling all of the items via in-house trunk shows. After years of manufacturing clothing for women, she realized that every woman wanted something different for herself and hence she began customizing for her clients and sending the orders directly to their house.According to Brenda French, a company needs to have a factory or a production unit in order to mass-customize. Outsourcing the customization process to another company or individual cannot make this process work, according to French.The delivery systems in mass customization for business-to-business products are different. For instance, Ohio based detergent manufacturer, ChemStation, uses an inventive distribution system , which makes use of 41 digitally connected production units all across the country to combine its custom cleaning products. The company began offering customized detergents to clients according to the kind of stains they were battling against.Current Trends and TechnologyAutomated-manufacturing-machinery incorporated with an order-taking structure is important for mass-customized production lines. Numerous mass producing companies combine the order-taking structures with an internet-based client interface.Internet has created a lot of opportunities for mass customization and has made companies responsible to maintain a continuous interaction with the clients in real-time. This has renewed the delivery systems with customers always staying on top of the updates through various mobile apps, emails, regular updates from the company or the online progress tracking system (if the company has any).Numerous companies such as, News page and Yahoo are utilizing the Internet t o create customized news items for the visitors whereas a rising number of businesses are using the ease of the online platform to enable the clients to design their products. Music based companies such as Volatile Media and Musicmaker have become successful in this arena through delivering customized CDs.The Future of Mass CustomizationAccording to some business theorists, mass customization is most likely to replace mass production. This is true for numerous operational businesses as mass customization reduces production overruns and wasteful expenditures. However, for majority of the businesses, mass customization is the best available option only if the option of mass production is not available. Currently, all companies that are custom-producing their product lines are charging a premium price as compared to companies that are mass-producing.The responsive market of today seems to like the idea of being the center of attention and is willing to pay a higher price for it. For in stance, in Levi Strauss, 80% of the custom ordered jeans fall under the categories of the available sizes â€" the clients still choose to custom order through the ‘Personal Pair’ method of the company to feel satisfied and have a feeling of control. The Custom Foot’s Keegan confirms the same client behavior.We no longer have consumers that are dumb and have big corporations dictating to them what they want. In fact, with the alert public of today, the power structure has been altered forever because businesses have to focus on customers if they wish to stay in the competition and this shows that mass customization will keep moving forward.MASS CUSTOMIZATION CHALLENGESChallenges with higher costs: Probably the biggest challenge of mass customization is the fact that it is not an appropriate option for all markets, clients and products. Most customers are not interested in having a customized light bulb or washing detergent. Moreover, customized products cost more and clients ha ve to wait in order to get them. For instance, regular Chinos by Land cost around $35 whereas a custom pair costs around $54.Successful for luxury and not successful for basic products: If we take into consideration the prospect of making profits and doing good business, then for most business types the profits earned by the customization does not outweigh the complexity and cost of producing customized products. The Yankee Group’s Lisa Melsted believes that mass customization is not an economically feasible option for most businesses and primarily depends on the product type. This concept works better for high-end, luxury items such as designer wear and cars.Challenges with return of customized product: Mass customization also creates a lot of problems for the manufacturers when the products get returned. Mainly, this does not happen as the product is created according to the likes of the customer but some returns will take place. In such cases, businesses that do not have mechan isms to reverse the customization tend to face many issues. Moreover, the chances of another client wanting the same product as someone else are too narrow, which can put the business in a tricky situation. Therefore, majority of such companies do not have any return policies or simply bear the loss of return in case it allows it.Challenges with supply chains: The biggest obstacle to mass customization is the fact that most businesses’ supply chains cannot efficiently handle it. The systems of suppliers are mostly optimized and designed for producing prearranged amount of products rather than catering to any unforeseen demand. Many do not even integrate latest supply-chain management applications like just-in-time inventory and automated planning, which results in lesser flexibility, specificity, and visibility with mass customization.Supply chains in the current business world are based on the push model whereas the ones associated with mass customization are based on the pull mo del, which is unimaginably difficult to manage.Such supply-chain problems can only be solved if businesses compromise between mass customization and mass production to create standard products and configure them in a manner that they can be customizable in the future. For majority of the businesses, it is not economically feasible to start the customization process in the start of the supply chain.This means that most businesses will only be able to implement mass customization in a partial manner. However, even this partiality can offer advantages to manufacturers. As the concept increases the scope of a product, it helps manufactures to cater to different types of consumer markets. It also introduces manufacturers to new target markets and allows them to explore the possibility of manufacturing products for them.Mass customization is going to take a few years before it becomes a household name. Even then, it will more likely be a rough adaptation of conventional mass production, a ccording to some theorists. On the contrary, products that cannot exist without customization will be customized no matter what happens to this concept.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Characters In The Bless Me Ultima - Free Essay Example
Luckily, Rudolfo has not died and was born on October 30, 1937, which makes him eighty-one years old at the moment. Married to Patricia, who had sadly passed away, helped with scholarships for students with the need for financial support. He was born and raised in New Mexico, US, and attended school in this area. After graduating from the University of New Mexico, he became a public school teacher for seven years which was between 1963-1970. Not only that but he became director of counseling at the University of Albuquerque. After this, he started teaching at the University. It is quite noticeable that Rudolfo Anaya was a busy man. He has written many books and most involve Mexican American traditions.( Britannica)One of which being Bless Me, Ultima which was actually the first novel he ever wrote but continued writing new books which also became very successful. Later on, Bless Me, Ultima became a national best-seller because it describes another form of religion and Mexican traditions. This book was published in 1972. Rudolfo has received many awards due to all the well-written books he has made. These awards being, NEA National of Arts Lifetime Honor, Kellogg Foundation fellowship, the American Book Award, two Governors Public Service awards from New Mexico, and last, two National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) literature fellowships.(Formalities) Just because of all the awards he received, he did not take all the credit. As said by Rudolfo Anaya, ?Ive been thinking a lot about what this recognition means, and Ive decided its not just about methis award is about the people of New Mexico. This clearly shows how his confidence did not increase and remained humble. Instead, he actually gave some credit to the individuals from New Mexico for his writing. After reading a biography about Rudolfo Anaya, it was understood that a lot of the inspiration for Bless Me, Ultima came from his own family. While his mother, Rafaelita Mares, was Catholic and enjoyed of a stable house, his father, Martin Anaya, would rather move on from area to area as a nomadic herder. Just as in the book, Anto nios parents would have discussions due to having different opinions on lifestyle and where to live. Also, the book includes many religious themes and spiritual healing. Because of the great writing structures he had, it was really clear for the reader to understand the main point of the novel and acknowledge different forms if religion.(Rudolfo) Form, structure, and plot: The text, Bless Me Ultima, is not to lengthy and is 262 pages (without counting the Reading Group Guide, Q and A with Rudolfo Anaya). Also, it consists of veintiuno chapters, as said in the book, which when translated to english, means twenty-one. The chapters numbers in this book are written in Spanish rather than English due to the Mexican traditions throughout the text. Overall, this is significant because it gives an additional way to represent the latin background behind the chapters. Like most other books, Bless Me, Ultima, is written in a chronological order of events from when Ultima was introduced in the book until after all of the problems were solved. Flashbacks of other events are also presents in some areas in the text here and there. In the book, the main character/narrator, Antonio, has dreams in which important characters that have passed away show up when he is sleeping. Rudolfo Anaya also switches between different ideas such as questions, thoughts, and stuff that h as happened in the past. These ideas usually come from the characters in the book, one of which being Antonio, the boy narrating the story. From the readers point of view, it is inferred that the plot of the book is complex because many risky events are present. Throughout the whole novel, the main characters, Antonio and Ultima, struggle to conquer many issues with society due to the fact that individuals believe Ultima is a witch when in reality she is a curandera, a person who cures with magic and herbs. This is the main reason that makes the plot complex because this characteristics causes a lot of problems in the book that later get solved. Even though the book is said to be fictional, it can pass as real because of all the vivid details present page after page and all the clear details about religion and Mexican heritage. A noticeable change was present from the beginning of the book to the end of it. Towards the beginning, Ultima is introduced and moves in with Antonios famil y but as the book continues, she causes a lot of issues due to her magic. Point of view: In this case, the book is written in first person. Antonio Marez is narrating the story about his family and himself. Also, it is referring to events that occurred throughout the youth of Antonio which is mainly about magic. Bless Me, Ultima is written about events that happened throughout Tonys childhood. Antonio, the narrator, is the protagonist of the book. It is not clear to the reader the age of Antonio when narrating the story but he is able to look back and give vivid details to explain what he went through. Over the course of the book, Tony changes his perspective about religion and his belief. He starts questioning it and does not know what to think about it. Also, other characters influence Antonio majorly so he changes his point of view several times. While some people say one thing, some say another this so he starts to question more about life. With the authors point of view, he achieves that the reader clearly understands what is happening and makes it seem like we are living the book. Also, since it is is said in Antonios point of view, it seems like we are put in his shoes and it is easier to understand his emotions and what he is going through. If it was not written in first person, then we would have seen the story through the perspective of many characters rather than just one and it would be more confusing. Also, this would have caused the reader to be puzzled and not understand the real story. First person was the best way to go because we read the book about what one person went through and not several others. Character: Many different characters show up throughout the novel but not all have a big role as others. This leads us to the conclusion that some flat characters are, Antonios friends, father Byrnes, Lupito, Cico, Tenorio and his daughters, Tenorio, Narciso, Antonios sisters, Jason Chavez, and Chaves. These individuals show up in the book but do not make the a drastic change to the story. On the other hand, Ultima, Antonio, and Antonios parents are round characters because they are involved in most sections of the story and are put in tough positions that makes the story more interesting to the reader. If it was not for these characters, than the novel would have been more boring in a way because not a lot of suspenseful things would have occurred. Ultima can be a static character because she provides trust and characters can feel comfort around her because they can rely on her. She does not change while all of the other individuals shes around do. Gabriel, Antonios father, is a dynamic and co mplex character because he has to change some of his ways in his lifestyle in order to keep his family members and loved ones together. In this case, was to enjoy of a farming life instead of being a vaquero like his descendants. The characters in the novel are believable because the book took place in the older times and all of the characteristics go along with the setting. All were revealed over the course of the novel when Ultima was introduced. When Ultima was introduced, she started to affect other characters which was when they started to appear. As an estimation, there is around thirty-nine characters in the novel. Some being important, and others only making an appearance a couple times. The protagonist of Bless Me, Ultima is Antonio Marez because he was the main character and was narrating the story. On the other hand, the antagonist is Tenorio because he cause a lot of problems to Antonio and his family. Some minor characters include, father Byrnes, catholic priest and teaches Antonio and friends in catechism, Miss Maestas, Antonios teacher and see a lot of potential in him education wise, and Antonios uncle which is his moms brother. An important character of the book is Ultima. While age is not given, it is know that she is elderly; therefore, is very respected. She is a curandera which is a healer that uses magic and herbs (spiritual power). Often times in the book is confused as a witch. Ultima is very complex and wise and knows a lot about life. She develops an important bond with Antonio which is needed for the overall book. Her name is significant because it is in the title which gives the reader a hint that she will be important throughout the novel. When d escribing her in three adjectives, she is old, wise, and calm. A key quote said by Ultima is, ?It is because good is always stronger than evil. Always remember that Antonio. This is a piece of wisdom that Ultima gives Antonio since she knows a lot about life. Also, it shows the impact that she has had on Tony and how she gives him advice. Another character is Antonio Marez who is six years old when introduced in the book. He is the protagonist and is narrating events that occurred in his youth. For his age, he is really smart and is able to understand a lot of adult topics. Also, when going to school, his teacher, Miss Maestas, noticed huge advancement academically in a short period of time. He has a very special bond with Ultima and learns a lot from her. Lets just say that he learns a lot for his age and is able to understand certain subjects. At one point, he starts to question a lot about religion and life. In three adjectives, it can be said that he is bright, serious, and thoughtful. He goes through a lot of issues and has to solve them by either doing the right or wrong thing. Also, he switches from being a child to an adolescent and has learns that actions result in suffering through consequences. A key quote is, God was not always forgiving. He made laws to follow and if you broke them you were punished. The Virgin always forgave. This phrase, is the start of Antonio incorporating religion into the book. Later on, he will start questioning and affects the overall n ovel. Florence is another character in Bless Me, Ultima and is a young blond boy.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay The Political Ethos of the Civil Society - 2758 Words
The Political Ethos of the Civil Society ABSTRACT: Totalitarian political systems in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe destroyed and repressed the civil society that used to exist in them. The authoritarian and totalitarian ethos was formed under a powerful influence of ideologies of the communist parties and politocracy in these countries so that the political ethos of politicians dominated the political ethos of the citizen. The breakdown of the real socialism and its unsuccessful attempts to complete accelerated liberal modernization of these societies caused turbulence of social values in addition to the general moral chaos. The moral crisis has deepened; anomie increased as well as the society’s inclination to commit†¦show more content†¦In the seventies of the twentieth century the term civil society was used by the opposition and dissident groups in the socialist countries to denote the strategy of political fight against totalitarianism by forming autonomous institutions beyond the state cont rol and for the sake of establishing a democratic society as opposed to the total state. By redefining the modern concept of the civil society a new and contemporary concept of the civil society has been created as an alternative to authoritarian socialism. Thus, a new practical and theoretical political paradigm has been set up for explaining ways of the transition of socialist, authoritarian and stagnant societies into democratic and civil societies which are able for self-development and are willing to use the civilization achievements of the developed societies as well as the achievements of social and political philosophy and contemporary sciences. The civil society is most often determined as autonomous pluralism of private and public activities, beyond the state control, expressed in individual freedom, local and regional self rule, citizens’ participation in public affairs and social movements as well as in cultural autonomy and free trade unionism. In the former socialist countries the civil society was destroyed and repressed by state measures. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Effects Of Underage Drinking On The United States
The abuse of alcohol among teenagers in the United States is universal and destructive. Teenagers believe drinking to be the cool that they must do to fit in with a crowd or become the popular one, when they do not realize all it brings is harm. Underage drinking has been one of the largest unsolved problems in history. Although many ideas have been made and put into practice, like raising the drinking age, harsher punishments, and, at one point, banning it all-together, nothing people do can stop teens from getting their hands on this dangerous beverage. In 2008, a National Institutes of Health Survey counted a total of 1.3 million children from the ages of twelve to seventeen that have experienced alcohol abuse just within the last year, and a total of 2.3 million young adults from the ages of twelve to twenty who have drunk five or more times within a single occasion. â€Å"At age twelve, 11 percent of boys and 9 percent of girls have commenced drinking, and 1 percent of them are classified as binge and heavy users. By age fourteen, the numbers are 31 and 33 percent use, respectively, and 6 percent of them are binge and heavy users. At age eighteen years, 73 percent have commenced drinking, 42 percent have used alcohol in the past month, and 39 percent are heavy users,†(Sherwood, 2012, p.1). However, the most common group in which abuses the use of alcohol is the college age. In 2007 alone, over 1800 college students were killed due to alcohol-related accidents, alongShow MoreRelatedUnderage drinking1086 Words  | 5 Pages Underage Drinking It is five o clock on a Friday night and classes are over for the weekend. The options for this evening are the kegger down the street, drinking at the bonfire, or sneaking into a bar with a fake ID. This can be a normal weekend for an underage drinker. Underage alcohol consumption can be very common in the weekly routine for many students. There are many different types of drinkers and reasons for their drinking habits. Some people may drink for social reasons and othersRead MoreThe Plague Of Underage Drinking1356 Words  | 6 PagesThe Plague of Underage Drinking â€Å"Every year in the U.S., roughly 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from an alcohol-related incident including car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning and other related injuries†( â€Å"11 Facts About Alcohol Abuse†). 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It is a common fact that most teenagers have had a drink of alcohol before their twenty-first birthday. Most teenagers drink regularly or in some cases, binge drink. Nobody can prevent underage drinking. When people tell a teenagers they cannot have something, it inclines them to want it even more and teenagers will go to extreme lengths to obtain it. In 1984, Congress passed the law stating the legal drinking age in the United States was twenty-one (Alcoholism)Read MorePersuasive Essay On Underage Drinking739 Words  | 3 PagesIn the United States today many teens have the problem of underage drinking. Whether they do it to look cool or to have fun, it is an enormous problem. In fact, one our four teens state that the would ride with a driver that is intoxicated (â€Å"Underage Drinking†). This shows that teenagers and not only irresponsible with alcohol, but also uniformed of the serious consequences. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Energy Climate Greenhouse - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2497 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? 2 Directives Legislation driving Energy Efficiency 2.1Introduction Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Energy Climate Greenhouse" essay for you Create order The debate is ongoing, but there is now overwhelming scientific evidence that mans activities are causing significant climate change. Climate change has the potential to affect all aspects of life on earth and will have major detrimental social, economic and environmental impacts. The best response to these challenging issues is to change. Change the way we think. Change the way we act. (Get source) 2.2Background to Directives for Climate Change The International climate change agenda containing the Directives and Legislation that drives for energy efficiency began in 1992 with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The objectives of the UNFCCC were to: stabilise the atmospheric greenhouse gases at a level that would prevent dangerous interference with the climatic system, to be achieved in a time frame to ensure food production is not threatened and to enable economic development proceeds in a sustainable manner. The UNFCCC is the parent treaty of the Kyoto Protocol (1997) which was developed to implement the UNFCCC effectively and properly. ( Irelands relation to the Kyoto Protocol is outlined in the subsequent sub-chapter. In December 2007, the latest climate change conference took place in Bali, Indonesia and it included representatives of over 180 countries. The two week period included the sessions of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, as well as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. The Bali Roadmap was adopted from the conference which charts the course for a new negotiating process to be concluded by 2009 that will lead to a post 2012 international agreement on climate change. The next meeting of the parties to the climate change convention is scheduled to take place on December 2008 in Poland. After the Kyoto Protocol was established, Europe needed to take action to succeed in cutting its greenhouse gas emissions to 8% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012, as required by the Kyoto Protocol. This action was taken by launching the European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) in June 2000 which was then ratified in October 2005. The main goal of the ECCP was to develop all of the necessary elements of an EU strategy to implement the Kyoto Protocol. From this European Climate Change Programme, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD 2003) was developed. This is explained in chapter 2.4 of this text. ( In order for Ireland to meet its Kyoto target of limiting the increase of greenhouse gas emissions to 13% above 1990 levels by 2008-2012, a National Climate Change Strategy was implemented. 2.3Ireland and the Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol was adopted to tackle the threat of climate change. It contains legally binding greenhouse gas emission targets for developed countries for the post 2000 period. The Protocol promises to move the international community one step closer to achieving the Conventions (UNFCCC) ultimate objective of preventing man-made interference with the climate system. As a first step towards tackling the threat of climate change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) required developed countries to put in place policies and measures with objectives of returning emissions of greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by the end of the decade. However, in recognition of the need to take more substantial and urgent action, industrialised or developed countries committed to reduce their combined emissions of greenhouse gases by at least 5% compared to 1990 levels by the first commitment period 2008-2012. The protocol came into force on 16 February 2005. As of November 2007, 174 parties have ratified the protocol. Of these, 36 developed countries are required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the levels specified for each of them in the treaty. The EU has an overall reduction target of 8% below 1990 levels and has agreed a burden sharing agreement that recognises the different economic circumstances of each member state. Irelands target is to limit the increase in its greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol to 13% above 1990 levels by 2008-2012. To date Ireland has struggled to get on target and at this stage looks unlikely to meet the 13% figure. With the help of the National Climate Change Strategy and the Protocol flexible mechanisms, this target may yet be achieved. The National Climate Change Strategy 2007- 2012 provides the national policy framework for addressing greenhouse gas emission reductions and ensuring that Ireland meets its target for the purpose of the Kyoto Protocol. Ireland may achieve their individual targets through domestic actions and use of flexible mechanisms provided for in the Protocol. The Government has decided that it will use the Kyoto Protocol flexible mechanisms to purchase up to 3.607 million Kyoto Units in each year of the 2008-2012 period. ( 2.3.1Kyoto Protocol Flexible Mechanisms / Emissions Trading An important part of the Kyoto Protocol was the introduction of three flexible mechanisms to reduce the costs of achieving emission reductions for the member states with emission reduction or limitation targets. The mechanisms enable Parties to purchase Kyoto Units from other Parties or to invest in cost-effective opportunities to reduce emissions. While the cost of reducing emissions varies considerably between projects and between countries, the effect for the atmosphere of limiting emissions is the same no matter where the action occurs. The three mechanisms are outlined below: Joint Implementation (JI) This is provided for under Article 6 of the Protocol, and enables Parties with reduction commitments to implement projects that reduce emissions in other member states with reduction commitments, in return for credits. The tradable unit under the JI mechanism is an Emissions Reductions Unit (ERU). Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) This is provided for under Article 12 of the protocol and enables Parties with targets to participate in projects that reduce emissions in those Parties that do not have targets under the protocol. This mechanism is aimed at developing countries. Credits generated using the CDM mechanism can be used by the investing Party for compliance purposes. The tradable unit under the CDM mechanism is a Certified Emissions Reduction (CER). International Emissions Trading This is provided under Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol and enables Parties or member states that have a greenhouse gas emissions limitation or reduction target under the Protocol to acquire Kyoto Units from those Parties that have reduced their emissions beyond their target under the Protocol. The tradable unit under emissions trading is an Assigned Amount Unit (AAU). The National Treasury Management Agency is the designated purchasing agent for Ireland and will administer and manage purchases of Kyoto Units on behalf of the Government. A dedicated Carbon Fund has been established for this purpose. All purchases will be made in accordance with the following objectives: That they contribute to the ultimate objective of the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change That risk is minimised, particularly in relation to the timely delivery of credits That they represent good value for money The National Treasury Management Agency will use the following mechanisms to purchase Kyoto Units: Direct purchase of Kyoto Units from other Kyoto Protocol member states Direct investment in joint implementation and clean development project activities Direct market purchases of Kyoto Units Any surplus Kyoto Units held by the State at the end of the 2008-2012 commitment period can be banked and used in a subsequent commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol or any successor treaty. (National Climate Change Strategy 2007-2012, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government) Below is a graph illustrating the total greenhouse gas emissions for all sectors of all the member states up to 2005. As we can see, Ireland is somewhat off reaching its Kyoto target. 2.4The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) 2.4.1Introduction Energy performance demands in the building sector within the EU range from rather demanding energy regulations and already established energy certification schemes in countries like Denmark and Germany, to the situation in countries like France and Spain with low regulation demands and without certification processes established at national level (Casal, 2006). EU legislation and policies, implemented through the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD), aim to provide a more uniform approach to implementing building energy saving measures and reaching Co2 emission goals. Each member state is required to translate and implement the policies and guidelines within the context of its legal and economic framework. The EPBD was enacted by the European Union in line with the Kyoto Protocol to: reduce European building energy consumption by 10 per cent by 2010 and 20 per cent by 2020; complete energy ratings of 2 million existing buildings by 2010; and cut Co2 emissions by 45 million tonnes by 2010 (Casal, 2006). The directive is the first move to target buildings specifically to reduce emissions and overall energy consumption in the construction sector. 2.4.2Overview of the EPBD The EPBD is a legislative act of the European Union which requires member states to achieve particular results with respect to the energy performance of buildings. The directive 2002/91/EC (EPBD, 2003) of the European Parliament and Council on energy efficiency of buildings was adopted by member states and the European Parliament on 16th December 2002 and came into force on 4th January 2003. This directive is a very important legislative component of energy efficiency activities of the European Union designed to meet the Kyoto commitment. The directive concerns a large number of participants on all levels with different impacts and different motivations: designers, housing associations, architects, providers of building appliances, installation companies, building experts, owners, and tenants effectively all energy consumers in the European Union. It will greatly affect awareness of energy use in buildings, and is intended to lead to substantial increases in investments in energy efficiency measures within these buildings. The EPBD has created a great challenge for the transformation of the European building sector towards energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy resources. The 4th of January 2006 was the official deadline by which the 25 member states had to transpose the directive. 2.4.3Objectives and Requirements of EPBD The objective of the EPBD is to improve the energy performance of buildings within the community, taking into account outdoor climate conditions as well as indoor climate requirements and cost effectiveness. The directive lays down requirements regarding: The framework for a methodology of calculation of the integrated energy performance of buildings The application of minimum requirements on the energy performance of new buildings The application of minimum requirements on the energy performance of large existing buildings that are subject to major renovation The energy performance certification of buildings The regular inspection of boilers, an assessment of the heating installation in which the boilers are more than 15 years old and an inspection of air conditioning systems in buildings The requirements for experts and inspectors for the certification of buildings, the drafting of the accompanying recommendations and the inspection of boilers and air conditioning systems. The requirements of each member state are set out in the EPBD under different articles. (EPBD, 2002) 2.4.4Summary of Articles of a methodology Each member state is required to have a method of calculating the energy performance of buildings. This calculation method can be set at a national or a regional level. This is an extract of the directive on article 3: Member States shall apply a methodology, at national or regional level, of calculation of the energy performance of buildings on the basis of the general framework set out in the Annex. Parts 1 and 2 of this framework shall be adapted to technical progress in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14(2), taking into account standards or norms applied in member state legislation. This methodology shall be set at national or regional level. The energy performance of a building shall be expressed in a transparent manner and may include a CO2 emission indicator (EPBD, 2002) of energy performance requirements These minimum requirements shall be reviewed every five years. Some categories of buildings may be exempted from the requirements. These include: Protected buildings and monuments Buildings used as places of worship Temporary buildings Residential buildings intended to be used for less than 4 months of the year Stand alone buildings with a total useful floor area of less than 50m Setting of energy performance requirements for new buildings Each member state will set minimum energy performance requirements for new buildings. For large new buildings with a floor area of over 1000m member states should consider alternative energy systems before construction starts. These include: Decentralised energy supply systems based on renewable energy CHP (combined heat and power) District or block heating or cooling, if available Heat pumps, under certain conditions The consideration of the alternative energy systems should take technical, environmental and economic feasibility into account. Setting of energy performance requirements for existing buildings Each member state will ensure that when buildings over 1000m undergo major renovation that their energy performance is upgraded to meet minimum requirements. The minimum standards may be applied to the whole building or limited to the renovated part. Energy performance certificate Each member state must ensure that when a building is constructed that an energy performance certificate is made available to the owner. When a building is sold or rented out an energy performance certificate must be made available to the prospective buyer or tenant. The certificate is valid for 10 years. For buildings over 1000m occupied by public authorities, an energy certificate must be placed in a prominent place clearly visible to the public. Independent experts Member States shall ensure that the certificate of buildings, the drafting of the accompanying recommendations and the inspection of boilers and air-conditioning systems are carried out in an independent manner by qualified or accredited experts, whether operating as sole traders or employed by public or private enterprise bodies. (EPBD, 2002) Implementing EPBD in Ireland 2.5.1Building Control Act 2007 The Building Control Act provides for the legal transposition of the EUs Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) into Irish law. This will lead to energy efficiency becoming an important aspect of design concern for all buildings, both residential and non-residential. It is essential that the general public and companies involved in the industry understand the impact of the directive on residential and commercial property in Ireland. The Act requires that there will have to be mandatory building energy rating (BER) certificates for some buildings. This means that when a building is constructed, sold or rented out, the owner must provide a BER certificate to the prospective buyer or tenant. The BER will be accompanied by an advisory report setting out recommendations for cost-effective improvements to the energy performance of the building. This is further explained in chapter 3. The successful implementation of the directive will require that systems are in place to guarantee the day-to-day delivery of assessment and inspection services by qualified people in a way that is consistent, practical and cost efficient, and with acceptable response times that maintain levels of service in the construction and property markets. ( Casal, X.G. (2006), Analysis of building energy regulation and certification in Europe: their role, limitations and differences, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 38 No.5, pp.381-92 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2002
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Research Conducted By Roberts And Blanton - 1500 Words
In a research conducted by Roberts and Blanton, they found out that the number of families in the U.S. having only child are getting higher compared to the past generations having many children. And they also discovered that this widely statistical change, draws many adversely thoughts and speculations about being an only child or having an only child through the research of Polit and Falbo (125). The main judgement is being isolated because of not having any companions at home with their age, like having siblings that they can relate to their lives. Some other negative things are about their personalities and characteristics, such as being a spoiled, selfish, aggressive, bossy, etc. and the list goes on. However, Hawke and Knoxs state in their research that there were ninety-eight percent of the surveys concluded that being an only child is a benefit. Furthermore, some of the only children commented that, â€Å"My life was more private than if I had siblings – I had my own r oom†and â€Å"I got most of the things that I wanted like band instruments and folks took me with them to Europe†(215). Aside from the advantages that every only children gets, the parents is also in favor of this because they only have one child to support and that will make them to spend less. Hereby, this stereotypical myths of people about being an only child are widely unreasonable due to the fact that many only children’s lives will be in good hands because the child s needs will be provided instantly asShow MoreRelatedPersonality Changes From Infancy And Childhood Adulthood1039 Words  | 5 Pagesdimensions (Hudson Roberts, 2014), those of which being extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience (Goldberg, 1993). In order to change these characteristics it has been found that particularly teenagers engage in activities they believe will change the parts of their personality they dislike, suggesting th e personality of a teenager is unstable and easily susceptible to change (Pullmann, Raudsepp, Allik, 2006). A study conducted found that collegeRead MoreCanadian Healthcare Industry : Canada2046 Words  | 9 Pagescapacity allows more patients to be seen, because the time in system is reduced. In a fast track area, nurse practitioners (NPs) in the ED, are allowed to begin some treatments and order some tests before the initial assessment, and having some tests conducted in the ED rather than transferring the patient to another department(Cooke, Wilson, Pearson, 2002). Common elements of an ED fast track system include: Selection of low acuity patients as determined by a triage system, a separate physical space dedicatedRead MoreComputer and Internet in Education13526 Words  | 55 PagesThe Impact of Home Computer Use on Children’s Activities and Development Kaveri Subrahmanyam Robert E. Kraut Patricia M. Greenfield Elisheva F. Gross â€Å"I really want to move to Antarcticaâ€â€I’d want my cat and Internet access and I’d be happy.†â€â€16-year-old HomeNet participant (1995) Kaveri Subrahmanyam, Ph.D., is assistant professor of child development at California State University, Los Angeles. Robert E. Kraut, Ph.D., is professor of social psychology and humancomputer interaction at Carnegie MellonRead MoreCollin Technologies Case Study Essay examples33525 Words  | 135 Pagesscience, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. NIST carries out its mission in three cooperative programs, including the Baldrige Program. The other two are the NIST laboratories, conducting research that advances the nation’s technology infrastructure and is needed by U.S. industry to continually improve products and services; and the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a nationwide network of local centers offering technical and businessRead MoreTop 1 Cause for Project Failure65023 Words  | 261 Pagesproject failure: There were seven state funded Research Bodies all running their own individual payroll, procurement, pensions HR functions. A decision was made to combine these functions into a shared service (SSC). A company was created that would eventually take delivery of and manage this combined service. The Research bodies were very reluctant to comply with a one size fits all arrangement. (There were research functions as diverse as Arts to Engineering and EnvironmentRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesFoundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management 577 Appendix A Research in Organizational Behavior Comprehensive Cases Indexes Glindex 637 663 616 623 Contents Preface xxii 1 1 Introduction What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4 What Managers Do 5 Management
Marketing Theory Case of The Coca Cola Company Free Essays
string(66) " description of Vitamin Water as ‘nutritious’ was misleading\." Introduction This report focuses on specific marketing theory, relevant to The Coca Cola Company, marketing theory include Marketing Orientation, Marketing Mix, Marketing environment and SWOT analysis. The author will make analysis of these theories, with an application to the attitudes and marketing decisions of The Soft-Drinks Manufacturer. Marketing Orientation This is when a company takes into account its customers’ needs when making decisions concerning their services they offer and items of sale. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Theory Case of The Coca Cola Company or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many benefits of doing this, as the product will more likely meet the needs of their targeted audience, therefore consumers will be more willing to by the product, there is more of a guarantee the product will sale. However in previous decades, many businesses have opted for a product-orientation approach, this is when a company is more concerned with the production of the product, and the systems that are used in its production. (The Times 100, n.d) (The Times 100, n.d) states in the recent decades many companies had preferred to be more product-orientated than customer-orientated, because of the increase in competitiveness within the market, these companies that adopted this orientation were losing out, as a company within a competitive market can only should strive to develop products that suit their audience needs, in failing to do so, they will lose customers fast in the competitive market, this demonstrates the need for products to be more consumer focused especially if a company is operating in a competitive marketing environment, if a company prides itself on the quality of its services and products, through the usage of new expensive technologies for example, then it would be understandable as to why they would continue to be product orientated. (The Times 100, n.d) Some companies are adopting both orientations, taking into account both the expectations and needs of the customer as well as the quality of product for the item of sale. According to the source, many companies like Coca-Cola are moving towards market (customer) and product orientation, in doing this Coca-Cola conduct marketing research to find out their consumer interests and desires, in finding this they will make amends to the production of their product depending on what the results show the marketing managers. (The Times 100, n.d) The marketing environment Social-cultural environment This is the environment that focuses on the understanding of their target audience; the study of this environment will help Coca-Cola understand what motivate consumers to buy their soft-drinks. Coca-Cola is also influenced by society views, for instance because of the issues surrounding the among of sugars presented in Food and Drink, and the Food Standards Agency, the production of Coca-Cola drinks now contain less sugars, and any other ingredients that are deemed artificial and bad for Health. (Brassington, Petttitt, 2007) According to sources, the Food Standard Agency had in recent years opted for Drink companies to sell their fizzy drinks in smaller quantities, this was in response to the ongoing obesity crisis in the United Kingdom. ‘Drinks with added sugar such as cans of fizzy pop, should be sold in smaller 250ml cans alongside the standard 330ml, it was recommended.’ (Smith, 2010) a study of the social-cultural environment will also lead to an understanding of the demographics. (Brassington, Petttitt, 2007) Economic/competitive This is the environment that allows companies to identify both macroeconomic and microeconomic situations in the market, the influences are different, it can affect the sources of long-term and short-term finances available to Coca-Cola, the influences can also effect the consumer demand from their customers, for instance the credit crunch had decreased the among of expenditure available to consumers. (Brassington, Petttitt, 2007) during 2008 Coca-Cola had suffered from economic influences due to the crunch, in which it was estimated that their Bottled water products were experiencing less demand, in key markets such as the US and Europe. Because of the credit crunch bottled water had experienced a high sales growth in 2007, but ‘middle-classed wallets were squeezed down by the economic downturn’. (Anon, 2008) How Coca-Cola responded to the influences. Coca-Cola has what is described as a financial muscle, the business was at the time was predicted to not be effected by the ‘economic storm’ as their international competitors, this was arguably because of their successful approach towards brand positioning, which has allowed them to still obtain promotional support, without being disrupted by the economic downturn. (Anon, 2008)Other influences that can be either positive or negative include government policy, taxation, and interest rates. (Brassington, Petttitt, 2007) Technological environment/innovation affecting Coca-Cola and many businesses in general, have had new marketing opportunities, because of the advances of technology, such influences are mostly positive, as the production and manufacturing costs of their drinks are mostly likely to have decreased. (Brassington, Pettitt, 2007) In regard to product of products, technology has also helped increase the product quality, which is important to a company such as Coca-Cola who may focus on product-orientation. For instance, the soft drink’s company experienced new technological advances which allowed them to preserve the fuzziness’ and ice-coldness each of their bottled drinks on sale, ‘By packing new technology into each bottle, so when the cap is twisted off, a mechanism inside will create ice made from the drink itself’. (Hannaford, 2007) Technology has also helped the advancement of more opportunities for promoting the Coca-Cola brand; the company has opened an online website and has been able to advertise on internet websites which would help increase brand awareness. (Brassington, Petttitt, 2007) Political regulatory influences These influences relate to the outside governmental regulatory bodies that have jurisdiction under our national and European parliament to impose restrictions and rules relating to trade and other business operations, such influences include the Advertising Standards Agency, for instance Coca-Cola had to an advertisement banned for ‘claiming it to be nutritious while it contained up to five teaspoons of sugar.’ (Sinclair, 2011)†Because Vitamin Water contained about a quarter of a consumer’s GDA (guideline daily amount) for sugar as well as the added vitamins, we considered that the description of Vitamin Water as ‘nutritious’ was misleading. You read "Marketing Theory Case of The Coca Cola Company" in category "Essay examples"†(Sinclair, 2011) this demonstrates the impact, as the company had to recall their advertising campaign. To conclude most of these regulations that have jurisdiction over Coca-Colas operates are enforced by law to ac t as regulators, other regulatory bodies include, trade associations, the EU and the local and national parliament. (Brassington, Petttitt, 2007) Marketing Mix The marketing mix strategy is a marketing tool used by many businesses, it helps managers develop their product to suit their customer needs, the tool helps the business set pricing strategies and promotional strategies which are variable, meaning that the company can make changes to their mix to match the external influences such as the economic downturn, the marketing mix is controllable itself, it allows Coca-Cola to adapt more efficiently to environmental influences of the market. (Palmer, 2009, 2004) Why is it needed? The marketing mix is needed to match the mix elements to the consumer needs; they are the ‘ingredients to achieve the desired outcome of the consumers.’ (Palmer, 2009, 2004) Each of the elements relate to one another, for instance pricing (considered the most important mix element), would largely concern the product it self, the quality of the product determines the pricing, if it is a product of high quality then the company may adopt a premium pricing strategy for example, this would also determine the promotion mix element, audiences are different, the premium pricing strategy may influence the business to target wealthy customers, who value high quality premium products or services. As well as pros, which highlight the positive things a marketing mix strategy can do for The Coca Cola Company, there are also negative aspects of it, issues which put the customer first, such as with the developments of quality services can become lost, to combat this disadvantage it is suggested that there should be an ‘adoption of a more holistic approach by marketing managers to respond to their customer needs’(Palmer, 2009), it would be recommended that managers focus on a product-led approach to marketing. (Palmer, 2009) Product For Coca-cola, their main product on offer is soft drinks. With regard to the production of the soft drink itself, the main element to their products on offer is Coca-Cola. The Coca-Cola company is an international global business, and has more than just one product within the soft-drinks market, other products include Fanta and Sprite all owned by the Coca-Cola Company. (n.d, Sharma, Kumar) Their Products on offer help the company, to motivate the consumer in purchasing the drink. It can be intangible (a service) or tangible, in this case Coca-Cola are providing tangible products. This mix will allow the Soft drinks company to moderate the quality, packaging, quantity of size, all to satisfy their consumers. The moderation is important, it allows Coca-Cola to design for instance their Packaging for different seasons, such as the Christmas season in which they make changing to the style in order to get people into the Christmas spirit, this encourage sells, it demonstrates the changes in the mix allows the company to keep up with marketing opportunities in the marketing environment, it also helps develop their brand image. (Palmer, 2009) Place (Distribution) This mix, allows The Coca Cola Company to make sure their products are available in convenient places, wherever the consumer prefers to purchase the items, it allows the company to make new distributions, if their marketing research suggest their target audience prefer to purchase their items in new places. (Palmer, 2009) This mix allows Coca Cola to amend their distributional strategies in place, depending their target audience preference. A good distributional strategy is crucial as an ineffective strategy will impact negatively on the companies’ turnover figures. In marketing distributional decisions, markets must focus on whether the costs of such distribution is affordable and how close the customers are to receiving the product. Marketing managers have an option to adopt strategies such as direct and selective distribution, Coca-Cola products are available in large supermarkets and vending machines, this indicates an intensive distribution, as it is available anywhere a t any time (24hr petrol shops) anyplace. Recommendation for efficient distributional channel Coca Cola distributes their products to a wide variety of retailers; therefore this would indicate a need for an efficient management of distribution. (Brassington, Petttitt, 2007) The company as a manufacturer would need to deal with stock controlling, transporting their soft drinks products, and finding warehouse facilities for their products. Pricing This is the most important mix of all, it is important as adopting the wrong pricing strategy would lead to a loss of profits, however a good pricing strategy, which is affordable to target customers would lead to higher turnover for The Coca Cola Company. The Pricing mix varies from other Ps, as the other mainly evolves around company expenditure decisions. The Coca-Cola Companies’ Competitive Pricing Strategy According to sources, the Coca-Cola Company currently adopts a competitive pricing strategy. (Sharma, Kumar, n.d,) this is when companies set their prices according to the current market price, The marketing had become more competitive with operating companies such as Pepsi entering the market; this forced the company to adopt a competitive pricing strategy in order to stay the cheapest in the market. In this current period, along with their competitive strategy the firm has also had to make les expenditure on their manufacturing process, and more expenditure on their advertising to keep consumer interest from rivals. (Sharma, Kumar, n.d,) Cost-Based Pricing strategy Originally they were operating within a niche market, before other competitors such a Pepsi had emerged, because of the new market for Soft drinks, the company did not have to adopt a competitive pricing strategy, instead adopting a cost-based pricing strategy, in which ‘a fixed sum or a percentage of the total cost is added (as income or profit) to the cost of the product to arrive at its selling price’. (Business Dictionary, n.d) Recommendation on Good Pricing Strategies ‘If the selling price of a product is set too high, a company may mot achieve its sales volume targets. If it is set too low, volume targets may be by achieved, but no profit earned.’ (Palmer, 2009) In order to adopt good pricing strategies, there will need to be some evidence such from marketing research as to what consumers will expect to pay. Many companies face hard pricing decisions, as pricing cannot be determined alone with the consideration of target audiences, it would be recommended that firms consider the marketing environment, as consumers’ needs changes depending on the current external environment, and the ‘interaction of market forces’. (Palmer, 2009) the pricing strategy is also variable, the company can make on-going changes to their pricing strategy, however such a minor difference can cause a significant change to revenue, e.g. Lower or higher profits. (Brassington, Petttitt, 2007) Promotion This mix is used to help with the communication of the companies brand to the customers, through sale promotional strategies, sponsorship and through (PR) Public Relations. This mix helps Coca-Cola decide on their advertising expenditure. (Palmer, 2009) Promotional Decisions The promotional strategies along with product and distributional strategy all need to be considered together in order for the company to make better decisions in their mix, it all lies down to evidence, which should give good estimations on their customers likely spending habits and where to target these customers. Coca-Cola through promotional campaigns want to demonstrate how good their brand is, this can be done through various strategies, such as personal selling (Coca-Cola Stalls at public events) , sales discounts (in shopping centres) Research has shown that, Coca-Cola tends to spend large sums on advertising, for instance in 1987 the company made an expenditure of around ?140 million, in television, radio and Printing publications. (Boy, JR, Walker, JR, 1990) This kind of mass media advertising is essential, as most of their customers are likely targeted this way, it helps keep up their brand image, and in attracting new potential customers. Free tasters are also a good strategy as the company brings out new versions of its drinks; this will lead to a new consumer base, and will help generate more loyalty. SWOT Analysis This is the study of strengths, weaknesses and threats (SWOT) This is analysis is needed so that Managers can understand the main threats and opportunities, it helps to get an overall view as to whether the business is profitable or not. It helps with the anticipation of future developments for the company. The SWOT doesn’t include assets of the business; it highlights opportunities for success and potential failure (Kotler, Wong, Saunders, Armstrong, 2005) Strengths The Coca-cola has been operating within the market for decades, it was once a niche market for the company, this indicates power-over competitors in relation to its brand image, it has been in the ‘game’ for years, and therefore, there is a high public awareness of their products. ‘Coke is the world’s largest non-alcoholic beverage company. Coke sells more than 500 brands of beverages. The company operates five geographic segments: Eurasia Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, and Pacific.’ (Seeking Alpha, 2011) The company is still experiencing a higher profit margin, for these reasons the company has ambitions to ‘double revenue by 2020. They believe that volume will be by the fast-growing markets and improvement in North America.’ (Seeking Alpha, 2011) Weaknesses: In order for a business to survive weaknesses need to be identified and then appropriate cautions will need to be put in place so that, any weaknesses are reduced significantly so that they no longer pose a disadvantage to the company. (Kotler, Wong, Saunders, Armstrong, 2005) The Coca-Cola Company has been able to remain profitable in their many years of operating as a company. As identified before, the Advertising Standards Agency and Food Standards Agency had imposed restrictions on their advertising campaign because of the among of sugar used in their products, this demonstrates a disadvantage for the company, these restrictions could lead to lesser profits, their soft-drinks generally aren’t good for their consumers. For these reasons the company may experience negative publicity which would be a disadvantage. Opportunities: New markets: The Coca Cola had begun operating in the bottled water market, because of the growth, in which the UK market for bottled water alone has an estimation of near to ?1.4 billion. (British Bottled Water, 2009) this is an opportunity because it opens the company to new audiences increasing their brand image. Threats: There are many threats that are imposed upon organisations, such as the ability of Pepsi, (Coca-Cola’s closet rival), to take over the Soft-Drinks industry. The fact that Coca-Cola has to adopt a competitive pricing strategy shows that there is major competition within the market. Other substituting non-alcoholic beverages also pose a threat to the company; such products sold by Starbucks can threaten the profitability of the soft-drinks company. With the ongoing regulations imposed by the Food Standards Agency and (ASA) consumer may put their health first and choose healthier soft-drink alternatives, which would cause a lowering of turnover for the company. The fact that there are competitive pricing strategies between the likes of their rivals Pepsi also imposes the likeliness of customers ignoring both companies and choosing even cheaper alternatives such as Sainsbury’s and Asda branded Cola.(Kotler, Wong, Saunders, Armstrong, 2005) Brand management Coca-Cola company main asset is their brand image, it is important in retaining their customers. Brand management involves the enhancing of ones brand, keeping customer interest and expanding to new audiences. To do this requires a lot of attention to the customers, getting them to remember the ‘name, term, sign, symbol design or a combination of these that identifies the maker or seller of the product or service.’ (Kotler, Wong, Saunders, Armstrong, 2005) Brand management is needed, as it increases a company’s ability to get a consumer to add and worship its name and value its quality of product, fending off other competitors by teaching the customer, that their brand is better. There is also an advantage for suppliers, it allows them to Coca Cola understands the importance of its brand image, through the overly use of promotional campaigns and various attempts at direct, and personal selling. It has been said the firm prefer to spend more on its promotional campaigns than its manufacturing costs. The firm has generated a brand image through its logo, which evidently always uses the colour red, in doing this they are reminding customers of their existence whilist increasing their awareness. Branding strategies The Coca-Cola Company has introduced major soft-drink of different kinds into the market, each kind has a different image, and this demonstrates an individual branding strategy, through the usage of new brand names for the various new products they have introduced over the years. There are many advantages in doing this, it increases their audience and allows the company to work on new brands, however these new products such as Fanta do not include the original branding, and therefore it could lead to their loyal customers forgetting the Coca-Cola image. Conclusion To conclude, The Coca Cola company has implemented good strategies, the managers of the company clearly understand the importance of meeting its customer needs, and enhancing its brand image to retain and remind customers of its good brand, hence the need for such a large expenditure on promotional campaigns, it utilizes the marketing mix well, through the adoption of competitor pricing strategy, it realizes its success can be easily threatened by competitors such as Pepsi, and substitute non-alcoholic beverages such as Coffee and tea. Through its current attitudes and good usage of the marketing mix variables, it is certain this business will continue to dominate and likely double their revenue as they have plan to do so by 2020, however external influences such as social cultural and economic influences could lead to a failure, regulatory bodies imposing restrictions could stop the business from reaching its potential if it continues on producing ‘misleading’ adverti sements, however the worldwide recognition of its branding and along with individual brand images, this demonstrates the business has the potential to reach their goal. Reference and Bibliography Books: Palmer, A (2009) Introduction to Marketing. Oxford University Press Brassington, F Pettitt, S Essentials of Marketing, FT Prentice Hall 2nd edititon Doyle, P. Marketing Management and Strategy, Prentice Hall Kotler, P. (2006) Marketing Management Prentice Hall 12th Edition Boyd, W. H, Walker, C. (1990) Marketing Management: A strategic Approach International Student Edition IRWIN publishing Kotler, P, Wong, V, Saunders, J, Armstrong, G (2005) Principles of Marketing 4th European Edition Published by Pearson prentice Hall Internet Sources: The Times 100 ‘Market and Product Orientation’–market-product-orientation–211.php [Accessed March 25th 2011] Smith, R (2010) ‘Sell fizzy pop in smaller cans: Food Standards Agency’ {Accessed March 25th 2011] anon, 2008 Focus – Leading water brands hit by credit crunch {Accessed March 25th 2011] Sinclair, L (2011) ‘Coca-Cola in Hot Water Over Nutritious Ad’{Accessed March 25th 2011] Hannaford, K (2007) ‘New Technology by Coca-Cola allows ice-cubes to form in bottles of Sprite: TEC’ {Accessed March 25th 2011] Sharma, S Kumar, S (n.d) 4ps Analysis of Nestle and Cadbury Dairy Milk Pvt. Ltd. Delhi Business School {Accessed March 25th 2011] [Accessed 1st April 2011] Anon, n.d â€Å"Coca-Cola Case Study.† [Accessed 1st Apr 2011] . Seeking Alpha (2011) ‘Just One Stock: Returns, Cash Flow, Emerging-Market Potential for Coke’s World-Class Beverage Brand† [Accessed 1st Apr 2011] British Bottled Water (2009) [Accessed 1st Apr 2011] [Accessed 1st Apr 2011] [Accessed 1st April 2011] How to cite Marketing Theory Case of The Coca Cola Company, Essay examples
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