Monday, October 21, 2019
Conjugating Chasser in French
Conjugating Chasser in French When you want to say to hunt or to chase in French, use the verb chasser. This is pretty straightforward because it looks and sounds a lot like the English chase. You will find that conjugating chasser is relatively easy as well. Conjugating the French Verb Chasser Chasser is a regular -ER verb and that means we can use the most common verb conjugation pattern. If you learn how to transform this word to the appropriate tense, it makes similar words like cesser (to stop) and brà »ler (to burn) a little easier to learn. Conjugating is as simple as recognizing the stem in this case, chass and adding the appropriate ending. For the je (I) present tense, its as simple as an -e and for the future je, it will be -erai. Unlike English, French requires you to match the subject pronoun with the tense. In English, hunting applies no matter if youre talking about I, you, or we, but in French, each subject requires a different ending. The chart will help you learn these forms: I hunt is je chasse and we will hunt is nous chasserons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je chasse chasserai chassais tu chasses chasseras chassais il chasse chassera chassait nous chassons chasserons chassions vous chassez chasserez chassiez ils chassent chasseront chassaient The Present Participle of Chasser Using the stem of chasser, add the ending -ant and you have the present participle chassant. This is a verb but can be used as an adjective, gerund, or noun as well. The Passà © Composà © and Past Participle A common way to express the past tense in French is the passà © composà ©. To use this, conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir to match the subject, then add the past participle chassà ©. For example, I chased is jai chassà © and we hunted is nous avons chassà ©. More Chasser Conjugations to Know In less frequent instances, you may find a use for the following conjugations. The subjunctive and conditional are used when there is uncertainty to the verb and these are used quite often. In contrast, the passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive are rare and found primarily in literature. In the least, you should be able to recognize each of these. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je chasse chasserais chassai chassasse tu chasses chasserais chassas chassasses il chasse chasserait chassa chassà ¢t nous chassions chasserions chassà ¢mes chassassions vous chassiez chasseriez chassà ¢tes chassassiez ils chassent chasseraient chassà ¨rent chassassent To use chasser in an exclamation and quickly request or demand something be hunted, use the imperative. When doing so, its perfectly acceptable to skip the subject pronoun and say only the verb: chasse rather than tu chasse. Imperative (tu) chasse (nous) chassons (vous) chassez
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